Do you comment on blog posts and leave your blog\’s address under your name? Want to learn how to make it a clickable link that takes people directly to your blog? It\’s super simple and just requires a little HTML code.
Have you ever been reading blogs and decided to comment? In writing your comment, you find that you need to post a link. Just how does one go about doing that? Well, it is fairly simple. This is the code you drop into the comment box:
<a href=\”URL\”>Title</a>
Replace the URL with the URL of the site you are linking to and replace the Title with the title of the site.
Type your comments and add your name. On the next line you want to type <a href=\”URL of target site\”>anchor text</a>
The word \”anchor text\” is a description (the title of a blog, post, anything you like) and is what will be displayed on a browser. For example, the HTML for the hyperlink to my blog should be typed as:
<a href=\”\”>Rahul Digital</a>
And will display Rahul Digital
If you want to display your URL and have it clickable just type
<a href=\”\”></a>
And it will display
Told you it was easy peasy! Leave me a comment and try it out.
Edited to add: Linking up to these great parties! Come join in the fun.