Unbelievable! The Idiot's Guide to Write 500 Words in 15-30 Minutes

Do you want to improve your article writing speed or want to learn “How To Write 500 Words Article in 30 Minutes”? Yes, within next 30 minutes you can write your article.
If you are a paid blogger or managing own blog then the content of your blog should be fresh and your readers should enjoy.

Why You Should Write More

While you are working as a paid writer or as a freelancer then you have a lot of clients which give you tough challenges. Sometimes, you don’t have enough time to write for all of them and you get confused. In that situation, the risk of losing clients is increased.
The more you write = More money you will get
So, there is no time to waste if you want to make money.
In this article, you will know how to manage your time to quickly write articles for your clients.

How To Write 500 Words

Here are some tips that will help you to write an article of 500 words in just 30 minutes. That’s mean within 2 hours, you can write 4 articles. If you are getting $50 per article then you will get $200 in just 2 hours. It’s so nice. Right? So, why are you waiting for?

First Write Intro

First of all, stop think and write the introduction of the article. The introduction should describe the aim of the article and the topic should be clear immediately. So, the reader should not be confused. You may write the introduction up to 3 paragraphs, but it should make a sense. Means, your reader should have a reason to read the article.

Create Headlines or outlines

Now, divide your article into segments or sections. Name them with headings. For example, this article is also divided into sections that you are reading. First write names of all the sections then fill the sections with content. This will make you easy to write your article.

Think less, write more

If you are spending hours on thinking then you are doing wrong. Becuase thinking too much is also bad as thinking too less. Thinking too much can also waste your time and time can’t come back for you
Write everything that come up in your mind (write related to the article). Don’t worry you can do editing at the end.
Skip Editing and formatting during writing.
Just write continuously without any break or nap. You may take a break after completing the article. During writing, don’t look back or correct the mistakes. Correcting mistakes can waste your time or you forget what you were writing. So, don’t edit during writing. Editing and correction should be done at the end.

Use A Stopwatch

This is just simple (and yet so easy) tip for you. Use a stopwatch to calculate your time of your first article. In next article, try to break your record and improve your speed. This tip can work to give you challenges to work better.

Improve Typing Speed

Well, if you are writing a line in hours then you should improve your typing speed. Because, you are writing articles then you typing speed should be faster if you want to write fast. There are many ways and software to improve your speed

Bonus Tip: Keep Your Mind Fresh

The mind of write should be fresh. So, always write when you are in a good or fresh mode otherwise your work will irritate you and you may stop writing articles. If you will be in fresh mind then you will able to write better and express your word into feelings.


Without writing speed, you can’t make more money in article writing field. Let me share you some facts of this article. This article contains almost 650 words and was written in 30-35 minutes. It is divided into sections by some headings and contains a small into.
I hope you have enjoyed these tips and now, feel free to share this article

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