Top 10 Best Adsense Ready WordPress themes For Better Revenue

Are you worried about Adsense income?
Do you know placing the Adsense ads at the right place and optimizing ads according to your theme interface can increase the clicks and revenue?
Now I have more than 5 blogs in different niches like health care, entertainment, blogging, and hosting, we know testing and tweaking ad placements will enable us to know which ad size, ad type and which place is getting more clicks.
If you have so many blogs and don’t have time to test and tweak Adsense ads to increase CTR then we have to choose Adsense ready WordPress themes for our blogs which can optimize our Adsense ads on our blog without spending much time on it.
Today I thought of sharing those Adsense optimized themes information in this article that will help you to increase Adsense earnings.

Best Adsense Ready WordPress Themes

1. NewsPro

Genesis themes are well-accepted frameworks around the world used by so many professional bloggers, at present they are the brand leaders for WordPress themes.
News Pro is two menu theme well optimized for Adsense ads, header leaderboard Ad (728 x 90) is the right place to get clicks.
News pro theme comes with 5 color styles with 6 layouts, coded with HTML5, mobile responsive and allows to do customizations as per our need.

2. TruePixel

I am a great fan of MyThemeShop themes but I am not using True Pixel theme for my blogs, I am using Schema, News Online, Authority themes from MyThemeShop
True Pixel is the perfect Adsense ready WordPress theme to use to get more clicks, it looks very clean and all MyThemeShop themes are well-coded SEO ready themes.
True Pixel comes with two layouts one is the default theme and the second one is Social both these layouts are perfectly optimized for Adsense ads, we have the option to add header leaderboard which is essential for any blog to increase revenue.

3. Magazine Pro

Magazine Pro is the another StudioPress theme which is well optimized for Adsense ads, it looks same like News Pro with different color and layout styles.
Magazine Pro comes with 4 color styles and 6 layouts, coded with HTML5, mobile responsive and we have the option to add header leaderboard ad.
It looks like a minimal theme without any distractions if you want to run a magazine style blog then this is the perfect theme to use for Adsense income.

4. Splash

Recently I started a news blog and looking for a perfect theme for that blog, that time Splash theme was one of my option to choose  but I chose News Online theme because of some constraints.
Splash theme really looks like splash with two menu option, MyThemeShop themes are very easily customizable when it comes to color or fonts on our blog.
Here are some features of Splash Theme

  • Adsense Optimized
  • SEO ready
  • Mobile responsive
  • In-built review plugin
  • HTML5
  • 600+ Google fonts selection
  • Ads Management panel

5. News Paper

Themeforest themes look very elegant in nature and they are well-coded themes at affordable prices like MyThemShop.
News Paper theme is a popular theme with different layouts which is suitable every niche like , automobile, tech, personal blog, travel, sports, and fashion.
News Paper theme consists an inbuilt intelligent ad system which can detect Adsense ads and custom ads on our blog to display ads responsively according to the screen sizes of the user.

6. Schema

Schema WordPress theme is fastest loading theme available in the market and we can easily optimize this website for Adsense.
I am using this theme from last one year on this blog and I am very happy with its performance, Schema has ad management option panel in theme options which will allow us to add Adsense ads at desired places like header leaderboard, below the post title and after the content.
I am not using much Adsense ads on this blog because I don’t want to disturb user experience with a lot of ads in this blogging niche where every blogger knows about Adsense ads.
I wrote a complete review about Schema theme on my blog, click here if you want to check it out.

7. News online

News online theme from MyThemeShop is my favorite theme for Adsense ads and I am using this theme for my news blog which I started recently, one of my friends has given this theme as a gift for me.
As you know all the themes available on MyThemeShop themes are SEO ready, well coded, fast loading themes.
Customizing the colors, and fonts are very easy with these themes, we have ads management option in theme options panel to place ads as per our need.
At present, I am using Google’s official Adsense plugin on this theme which very easy to set up and maintain ads on our blog.
Click here to read how to use Google’s Official Adsense plugin.

8. FreshLife

FreshLife WordPress theme from ThemeJunkie is another popular theme for Adsense ads, it is the most elegant theme which is suitable for tech blogs.
One of my friends is using ThemeJunkie themes and he is fully addicted to those themes, he referred me this theme to include in my list for Adsense ready WordPress themes post.
FreshLife theme comes with two menus with header leaderboard ads option for better visibility of the ad if you are a great fan of ThemeJunkie then try this theme for your Adsense ads.

9. Goliath

Goliath is the most versatile theme from ThemeForest which has four layouts to choose from news, sports, tech, and fashion.
When I first saw this theme I was stunned by its look and I going to use this theme in near future, this theme comes with built-in  intelligent ad system just like News Paper theme which detects the Adsense ads and custom ads on the website to display ads responsively according to the users screen size.

10. AdMag

AdMag is the perfect theme for Adsense ads, so many publishers and bloggers are using this theme to improve their Adsense revenue.
AdMag comes with built-in page builder where you can design you web pages according to your need, here you don’t need any coding skills to design web page because this theme offers drag and drop elements feature.
If you are Thrive Content builder then you can easily understand how to use page builder.

Over To You.

I shared top 10 best Adsense ready WordPress themes information in this article based on my knowledge and research if you want to contribute your favorite Adsense theme then please kindly share your thoughts in the comments section.

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