Top 10 Free Article Submission Sites

Free article submission websites are a great way to help your thoughts and expertise gain a multinational audience. These sites are proven to provide great opportunities for bloggers, writers, and professionals to present their work. Moreover, through article submission sites, you can gain distinction in the respective areas. Several free article submission sites are functional right now, and through them, you can share your research findings, valuable insights, or thought-stimulating opinions on different topics. These article submission websites are a great platform that serves a user-friendly interface and thus helps you gain more audience despite your experiences in the field.

1. Ezine Articles

A famous online platform that enables authors to publish their work. Moreover, the website provides a platform where the writers can share their work with a huge range of audience. Ezine Articles provides a variety of genres in which authors can publish their work, ranging from health, business, and even technology. 

  • The terms and conditions of the website are quite strict. Moreover, the articles you wish to publish must have a certain minimum of words.
  • Ezine Articles does not allow self-promotions. Therefore, you are entirely dependent on the website to help you enhance your audience engagement. 

2. ArticleBiz

Article Biz is one of the most well-known article submission websites. The platform offers an opportunity that allows online publishers to pick your articles and it is free a of cost service. All you need to do is provide the basic information about yourself like a crisp and precise bio, email id, etc.

  • Article Biz is not limited to a few articles. You will come across a wide range of categories for your content.
  • The platform is great at engaging traffic for your article. The site is more suitable for new beginners.

3. Tumblr

Tumblr is often confused as just a recreational blogging website. But, it is a great option to advertise your articles and gain a huge amount of readers for your articles. Tumblr does not offer any limitations on the number of links you wish to add. The only thing required to begin your journey as a writer through Tumblr is to create an account on the website.

  • The website offers a user-friendly interface, thus, engaging a good amount of audience. 
  • With Tumblr, you can reblog, write, and even publish as much content as you wish.

4. Live Journal

Live Journal is one of the oldest article submission websites and therefore is among the top websites for article submission. It has been more than two decades since the website has been in this industry and it has gained trustworthy audiences ever since. 

  • Live Journal is a great platform for users looking for websites to publish their articles. 
  • The website provides a user-friendly interface with a plethora of varieties of content. 
  • Live Journal is a trusted website that provides great services that let your article reach the maximum number of readers.

5. Dzone

Dzone is another popular website for article submission that has expertise with articles related to technology and software. You can discover a lot about technology as well as software with Dzone. It is a reliable platform that offers authentic services but make sure to go through the submission guidelines prior to article submission.

  • Dzone usually takes 7-12 business days for assessment and final approval of your write-up.
  • For more details, you can visit the website by the link provided in the header. 

6. Sooper Articles

Sooper Articles is another useful article submission website that is well-known for providing great engagement for your articles. There are a plethora of options available for different types of topics. Therefore, you will surely end up finding the best niche suitable for your write-ups.

  • Sooper Articles is a free-of-cost article submission website that provides amazing services and has a user-friendly interface.
  • It might take a maximum of 5 days before your article gets the final approval. 

7. Bored Panda

If you are someone whose articles are more inclined toward fun and humor, then Bored Panda is the site for you. It has been over a decade that the website has been publishing articles and thus it has developed a huge audience that improves your article’s engagement. 

  • Even though Bored Panda is famous for witty content, you will still find a variety of other themes available on the site like food, fashion, social issues, and nature.
  • But you have to be a little clever with your articles and make your article stand out among all, as the style of the website is more like a newspaper.

8. Article Feeder

Article Feeder is a great option when looking for free article submission websites. The platform provides an opportunity for content creators to improve their reach and thus is helping content creators flourish in their careers. The platform is more of a connecting link between the readers and the authors. Moreover, Article Feeder provides a user-friendly interface and great services to its users. 

  • The platform allows authors to publish their articles easily and in turn expose themselves to new opportunities.
  • Therefore, Article Feeder can be used as a great source to improve an author’s engagement and help them create new connections. 

9. Article Snatch

There are many article submission websites, but among all of them, we are concerned only about the best article submission sites. Article Snatch has recently emerged as one of the most widely chosen websites for article submission. The platform is well-known for providing great services to its users and thus it is the top choice of users. 

  • Moreover, the website has a user-friendly interface thus allowing both the readers as well as the authors to experience a seamless understanding. 
  • Also, the website has been designed in a very structured way, making it easier for the users to access and find what they are looking for. 

10. Pub Articles

Pub Articles is another great website that offers a platform for authors to demonstrate their talent. Thus, offering them opportunities to be a part of great content writers. Moreover, the process for article submission is highly streamlined, and the website offers a rich editorial system that maintains the top-notch quality of the content. 

  • Pub Articles is a great site for both beginners as well as professional writers. It has opportunities for every genre of content.
  • The platform also allows the authors to make connections with people working with similar ideas. Thus, it can be considered as a means of providing exposure to the authors.


1. What are the advantages of using Article Submission websites?

There are many advantages to using these websites, like:

  • Increases visibility of the contents
  • Allows you to provide backlinks for your websites
  • Improves brand name 
  • Widens the network coverage

2. Are there any guidelines or requirements for submitting articles to these sites?

Yes, you might have to follow different guidelines for different websites.

  • The basic guidelines are usually regarding the content quality, minimum word requirements, variety of topics acceptable, etc.
  • It is advised that you go through the guidelines before submitting the content to increase your the chances of your content’s submission.

3. Can I submit the same article to multiple article submission sites? 

It varies from website to website, some websites allow duplicacy whereas others are striclty against it. Therefore, you must go through the guidleines of each website prior to submission.   

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