Consistency is the Key to Success in Blogging – How I lost 70% of Income?

Any process in life that need your work for specific years continuously will not succeed without consistency. Whether it is your higher studies, business, becoming rich or in our case, the blogging. They all require consistency without losing the focus, which is vital to reach the peak or next levels. You might have heard this before from other blogs, but you will realize the real worth of it once you experience it.
I lost around 70% of blog income by the ‘missing consistency.’ I know if I put numbers, you will pay more attention to this content. The idea of this post to tell you why you need to work consistently and look for improvements and enhancements. You should not stop your work once you feel comfortable that your blogs/websites/online business is doing well.

When We will Lose Consistency in Blogging?

Missing consistency is the big enemy in our life. We all work hard at the beginning of everything. Even if you are starting a program to lose weight, the first few days, we act super exciting and religious. We carefully stop junk foods, eat diet food, and do exercise. But when the days pass, we lose the momentum. We will not have the same energy level we had when we started. There is the time the consistency drop down.
Starting a blog and maintaining it need full focus and consistency. You should not start any new projects and change your attention in the next 2 years until getting your first blog success. Even after you made your first blog success, the consistency should be there; otherwise, it will go reverse.
In my experience, below are the times you may lose the focus and consistency in blogging of your online business.

  • When Things Do Not Work as Expected.

If you expect money and success in a short time as a beginner, it is not going to work most of the time. That may make you think that you are doing something wrong, so ultimately, you lose the focus and stop working. The flow and consistency stops or slows down here.

  • When Things Work Better and Sometimes Better than Expected.

This is another enemy of mankind. When things work faster and more than expected, we think we are experts and intelligent than others. It will impact the consistency in our work, we start enjoying other stuff. Even we may try to duplicate the same success without giving enough time to stabilize and sustain. In the end, with many projects in hand and mind, we lose the focus and consistency in a single successful business/blog. That may lead to the collapse of everything you have.

  • When We Become Overconfidence

This is related to the earlier point, I wanted to mention as separate. When things go better, we get overconfidence. Having confidence in our self is essential, but when it comes overconfidence, we do not see the other side of a process. Especially online, nothing goes with the same speed and same direction. Anything can change anywhere at any time.
If a formula is working well for you, do and follow it consistently, doesn’t matter you started making 1000$ or 10,000$ per month. When you think you have reached the peak and you will stay there always without doing what you did earlier to reach this place, you may fall down.
Being overconfidence and taking things easier once you reach the peak by missing the consistency guarantee your downtrend, be careful.

  • Deviating or Splitting Focus

To overcome issues online to make money and become a successful blogger, your ultimate focus should stay in one thing – that is blogging. But when you started splitting your time into many things, especially other ways to make money, then your consistency goes down.
Starting more blogs, getting into other online businesses and startups without success of your first project will give extra pressure to your self and limits.  We are human; ideally, we can handle only a few things alone at a time. You should definitely expand your business and grow to the next level, but you need more support to maintain consistency. You might look for hiring people, a manager, or more investment to expand your online business.
If you think, you can do everything alone and grow to the next level, I warn you that you will end up nowhere. The consistency in your successful business will drop if you try everything as a single person because you can’t focus on a single thing anymore.
In my example, I started concentrating on online trading and cryptocurrency business. That hit my blogging activities and lost consistency by less focus.

  • Less Planning

Initially, we plan well to start off and continue something, but when things go well, we do not foresee the next step. We should have a plan to keep running and expanding our websites and blogs. When your all plans are met, but you do not have any new ideas, then is going to impact the consistency and ultimately slows down everything. Less planning or no planning can bring down the things what you achieved.
No matter where you reach, always keep planning and complete them. Blogging and online business are never-ending tasks. It keeps growing and you should plan and enjoy each step.

Final Note:

It is all about discipline to stay on course. We should treat blogging and our online business seriously analyze every side. Consistency is the key to success in blogging.
Have you faced similar issues and lost consistency? If so, how did you bring it back? Share with us!

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