Top 10 Home Cleaning and Housekeeping Blogs You Should Follow

As homeowners, we are obliged to clean every corner of our house, mow the lawn, and dust furniture. It could be stressful for our part, but it is a whole lot difficult for mothers and homemakers. House cleaning becomes a stressful chore for them– it becomes a part of their system. 

Homemakers and mothers have one goal– to have a clean and organized house, which is the ultimate secret to have a happy home. But, home cleaning is not only mowing, dusting, or sweeping the floor. There’s a whole lot to deal with when cleaning homes, not to mention the overwhelming mess chaos decluttering gives you.

If you are a first-time mom or you just newly moved into a new house, you might want to master the art of organizing your house. But it is not easy for first-timers. So, we have prepared a list of blogs that can help you achieve your home’s cleanliness.

Home Cleaning as a Therapy

Looking at home cleaning and housekeeping blogs is quite therapeutic, but doing it yourself could also be for some. Some might think it is stressful to tidy up, declutter, and dust off the furniture. But, at some point, it makes our space brighter and gives us a perspective on how we could improve our home.

A well-organized abode means a well-organized life. Everything starts at home– if your house is bright and spacious, you have more inspirational ideas and joy inside you. But, if you have a cramped and messy house, there’s a greater chance you quickly get distracted and organized.

For starters, you might want to take a look at The Fly Lady ( blog. The blog doesn’t focus only on house cleaning tips. It’s more of a therapy or group discussion blog. They will help you get back on track in decluttering, cleaning, and organizing your house. 

If you are troubled about cleaning and organizing your house, they want to help you therapeutically. These blogs will break the house cleaning and housekeeping tips into manageable steps. They will help you create a system that could efficiently work for you. Fly Lady will let homemakers and homeowners believe that tidying a house is more manageable than they could imagine– there’s no need to stress it out.

Along the way, you will get insights and tools that could help you effectively clean and organize your house. These blogs will give you an idea of how to tone your house– yes, at the end of the day, you will transform your house into a warm, cheerful, and full of encouragement. 

Let’s get started. Take a look at these blogs and choose the blog that can be easily implemented for you.

Simple Housekeeping

Some only want to know how they could efficiently clean their homes with natural and environmental-friendly cleaning products. Several blogs give straightforward tips about cleaning. Go over these housekeeping blogs:

These blogs often provide informational tips and tricks on how homemakers can save up with the cleaning products they use– some even give out tips on how to make your own laundry detergent or stain remover from vinegar and lemons. These blogs will tell you how to get it all together, from saving up cleaning products to decluttering unnecessary things cramping inside your home.

You will surely gain a lot of information when visiting these blogs and upcoming blogs.

For First-Time Mothers

First-time mothers may realize how being at home could be a real job. You might find yourself screaming for help– “how could I tidy this up when I have a child to attend to?” Not to mention the errands that you have to do outside of the house. Check out these house cleaning blogs best for first-time mothers:

These blogs can help you on how to care and attend to homemaking matters. Also, as they teach you guides and tips organizing and cleaning your home, they advise simple, natural, and non-toxic cleaning supplies.

For DIY Enthusiasts

If you are one of those homemakers who love to have stylish arrangements and an organized house is on another level. You value tidiness and a good sense of style. Although you can always buy and check home magazines for inspiration, following a blog hosted by a fellow who has the same taste as you will give you faster results. Check them out:

These hosts love sharing their tips and tools for organizing and redesigning homes. Check regularly on their blogs for practical tips. 

For a More Organized Home

Some of us want it plain and simple. If we are busy with work obligations, we do not bother with designs and crafts. We only wish our house to be squeaky clean and organized. If you are more passionate about organizing every corner of your home, check these blogs on handling their household:

House cleaning is not all about organizing things, dusting furniture, redesigning some corners of the house, or mowing the lawn. It includes doing laundry. Sometimes, general cleaning gets out of hand. There are heavy curtains, bed comforters, duvet, and linens to launder. However, time may not allow us to do it while cleaning the house.

So, make things easier by getting a laundry pickup around your local neighborhood. Laundry services would give you more time to focus on cleaning and organizing your home.

Make these blogs an inspiration on how you will make your way in cleaning and keeping your home organized. 

Do you want to start a home cleaning and housekeeping blog?

The following blogs might get you thinking to start your own– well, you can do it in just a few steps. You have to consider if you can totally pursue this– because this is a long term passion just like home cleaning. However, it is different from getting rid of clutters, since you have a niche (home cleaning and housekeeping), you only have to follow these quick steps:

  1. Register your domain name and web hosting.

There are several web hosts you can find around the Internet. BlueHost is the most accessible and commonly used for beginners. You can also use WordPress for your hosting solutions.

  1. Setup your website. Make it user-friendly and easy to navigate. 
  2. Create contents. Write stories, tips, and solutions on housekeeping and home cleaning since that’s your desired niche. Make it enjoyable by including your stories and journey in housekeeping.
  3. Invite friends to read your new blog. Give them insights and tips on how they can do effectively.

Enjoy the process of making your home cleaning and housekeeping blog. It could be your destressing activity after a long day of cleaning and organizing your home. Make a witty blog full of information– your readers would love that!

You can take inspiration from the home cleaning and housekeeping blogs we mentioned. Tell people how you have come up to a resolution to your struggles in cleaning and keeping your house organized.

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