100+ Blog Post Ideas for September

Writing unique blog posts for your platform will make your blogging platform do wonders, but it’s difficult to find out relevant topics for your website. 

Well, here I am going to help you with the amazing blog post ideas to write for September month that will help you rank your platform with the trending keywords in the month of September. 

Let’s explore 100+ blog post topic ideas for September … 

Write blog posts around National and International days are coming in September: 

  1. National Nutrition Week (September 1):

Starting From the 1st to the 7th of September, the United States celebrates National Nutrition Week to raise awareness about the essentials of a healthy diet for overall well-being.

  1. World Coconut Day (September 2): 

September 2 is a date that is marked every year; World Coconut Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the value of this product in reducing poverty. The Asian Pacific Coconut Community was founded on this day in 1974, and it is also celebrated on this day (APCC)

  1. Skyscraper day (September 3):  

September 3 is Skyscraper Day. The skyline of a city is dominated by skyscrapers, which are extremely tall structures. The day is a celebration of a man’s ability to build an industrial wonder.

  1. International Day of Charity (September 5)

Every year on September 5, people worldwide celebrate International Day of Charity in an effort to destroy poverty in all of its forms and dimensions to meet the UN’s sustainable development goals.

  1. Teacher’s day (India) (September 5) 

Every year, on September 5, India commemorates the birth anniversary of its second president, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, by celebrating Teachers’ Day. On this day, we thank and recognize teachers for their work in helping students become more responsible members of society.

  1. Brazilian Independence Day (September 7)

The date of Brazil’s independence is honored every year on September 7. On September 7, 1822, Brazil formally declared its independence from the Portuguese. Brazil became a republic in 1889, but it retained the date of September 7 as its Independence Day.

  1. International literacy day (September 8) 

In order to promote awareness of the importance of literacy, it is necessary to; International Literacy Day is held each year on September 8. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals include it as an important component.

  1. World Physical Therapy Day (September 8) 

Physical therapists from across the world participate in World Physical Therapy Day on September 8 each year to promote cognizance of the importance of their profession and the positive impact it has on people’s health and well-being.

  1. World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10) 

On a yearly basis, September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is celebrated to promote public awareness about suicide prevention. The International Association for Suicide Preclusion organizes this day (IASP). Co-sponsored by the World Health Organization.

  1. Remembrance Day 9/11 (September 11) 

This year, there will be a commemoration on September 11, 2001, to mark what would have been the 20th anniversary of National Service and Remembrance Day. It’s a day to remember those who died and were injured on September 11, 2001, and to support others in their memory.

  1. National Forest Martyrs Day (September 11) 

National Forest Martyrs Day was established on September 11 because of its historical importance. On this date in 1730, the Bishnoi tribe, headed by Amrita Devi, gathered around 360 individuals to protest the clearing of forest land. On the instructions of the monarch, they were executed at Khejarli, Rajasthan, for protesting against the destruction of trees.

  1. World First Aid Day(September 11): 

This year, it happens on September 11, which is the second Saturday of September. The day’s purpose is to educate the general public about the issue need for first aid in the event of a crisis. As per the International Federation for the Red Cross, a first aid kit must be readily available for everyone.

  1. Hindi Diwas(India)(14 September): 

It is customary to observe Hindi Diwas on September 14, the anniversary of the Constituent Assembly’s adoption of Hindi (written in Devanagri script) as the country’s official language in 1949.

  1. Engineer’s Day(India) (15 September): 

To honor the Indian Engineer Bharat Ratna Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, India commemorates Engineers Day on September 15 every year.

  1. International Day of Democracy (15 September): 

The 15th of September is designated as International Day of Democracy to serve as a reminder that democracy is about people. This day is an excellent chance to educate the public about the importance of democracy and the successful implementation of Human Rights.

  1. Malaysia Day (16 September): 

Malaysia Day, or ‘Hari Malaysia’, is a national holiday observed on September 16. Singapore and the East Malaysian republics of Sabah and Sarawak joined the Federated States of Malaya on September 16, 1963, creating the Malaysian Federation as we know it today.

  1. World Ozone Day (16 September):

Every year, the 16th of September is designated as “World Ozone Day”. 

Montreal Protocol was signed on this date in 1987. 

The United Nations General Assembly has established world Ozone Day since 1994. This day serves to raise awareness about the thinning of the Ozone Layer and the need for countermeasures.

  1. World Patient Safety Day (17 September): 

The 17th of September is designated as International Women’s Day. In May of this year, the 72nd World Health Assembly passed resolution WHA72.6 on “Global action on patient safety,” which led to its creation.

  1. World Bamboo Day (18 September): 

To raise cognizance about the benefits of bamboo, the 18th of September is designated as World Bamboo Awareness Day.

  1. International Red Panda Day (18 September, Third Saturday): 

The third Saturday in September is designated as the official holiday. It falls on the 18th of September this year. The purpose of the celebration is to increase public awareness of the need to protect these species.

  1. International(global) Talk Like a Pirate Day (19 September): 

It is customary to mark the 19th of September each year as International Talk Like a Pirate Day. People are encouraged to dress and speak like pirates from the past on this day.

  1. International Day of Peace (21 September): 

The United Nations’ International(global) Day of Peace (IDP) is commemorated on September 21. The United Nations General Assembly announced September 21 as International Day of Peace and Ceasefire in a resolution 55/282 in 2001, two years after it was first commemorated.

  1. World Alzheimer’s Day (21 September): 

Observed on September 21, World Alzheimer’s Day aims to increase awareness of dementia patients’ difficulties. The first World Alzheimer’s Month was held in 2012.

  1. Rose Day (Welfare of Cancer Patients) (22 September): 

In honor of cancer sufferers, Rose Day is held each year on September 22 to celebrate the belief that cancer can be beaten. A 12-year-old Canadian girl named Melinda Rose was diagnosed with a rare kind of blood cancer and refused to give up hope despite being told she had just months to live.

  1. World Rhino Day (22 September): 

Every year, it’s celebrated on September 22nd. As a result of this event, the public will be more knowledgeable of the plight of this fascinating species.

  1. International Day of Sign Languages (23 September): 

The United Nations General Assembly fixed the International Day of Sign Languages on 23 September. Deaf people and other sign language users have a unique chance to defend and safeguard their linguistic and cultural identities on this day.

  1. World Pharmacists Day (25 September): 

Every year, it is celebrated on September 25th. The FIP Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2009 declared the 25th of September to be an annual World Pharmacists Day (WPD).

  1. Antoyadaya Divas (25 September): 

Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya celebrated his 98th birthday on September 25th, 2014, which was designated as ‘Antyodaya Diwas.’

  1. European Day of Languages: 

In order to increase public awareness about the importance of language acquisition and the preservation of the language, the European Day of Languages is held each year on September 26th.

  1. Day of Deaf: 

On the last week of September and through the last Sunday of the month, the world celebrates International Week of the Deaf, often known as the “Day of the Deaf.” Day of the Deaf, or World Day of the Deaf The event serves as a reminder to the general public, elected officials, development agencies, and the deaf community itself of the accomplishments and problems it faces.

  1. World Contraception Day (26 September): 

Every year, September 26 is World Contraception Day. In order to help young people make educated decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health, a worldwide campaign has been launched.

  1. World Environmental Health Day(26 september): 

The International Federation of Environmental Health has designated today as World Environment Day.

  1. World Rivers Day (26 September, Fourth Sunday) 

The final Sunday in September is designated as “World Rivers Day.” It will come on September 26th, 2021. To promote awareness of the value of rivers, River Day is held each year on the first Monday in March. There is no way that we can afford to ignore the necessity of maintaining our water resources.

  1. World Tourism Day (27 September): 

The 27th of September is designated as “World Tourism Day” to recognize the significant role that tourism plays in creating jobs and securing the futures of millions of people all over the world.

  1. World Rabies Day (28 September): 

It’s World Rabies Day on September 28 every year, a time to raise awareness about rabies prevention and to celebrate efforts toward eradicating this dreadful illness.

  1. (IDUAI) International Day for Universal Access to Information: 

A day set aside to ensure that everyone has access to information is known as the International Day for Universal Access to the Information (IDUAI). It’s a day to honor the right to seek for, receive, and share knowledge.

  1. World Heart Day (29 September): 

The 29th of September is known as World Heart Day each year. The world’s top cause of mortality, heart disease, and stroke is addressed on this day.

  1. International Translation Day (30 September): 

We commemorate International Translation Day on the 30th of September every year. This day is a chance to honor the work of language experts and recognize their contributions. As a result of bringing nations together, it also helps global peace and security.

More blog post topic ideas for September: 

  1. Top 10 places to visit in September if you are in India 
  2. Top 10 places to visit in September if you are in Switzerland
  1. Top 10 places to visit in September if you are in Canada 
  2. Top 10 places to visit in September if you are in the United States 
  3. Do you have any goals for September? 
  4. 7 Impressive Gifts for Writers 
  5. 10 Things every responsible dog owner should know
  6. Baby Safety Tips in September 
  7. 25+ Amazing Breakfast Ideas for September 
  8. 5 Best things to do in September at your home. 
  9. List of Places you would love to visit 
  10. 10 amazing things about being single 
  1. Easiest 7 day Diabetes meal plan 
  2. 10 Powerful foods to conquer anxiety and depression 
  3. The proven diets to help you relieve back pain 
  4. Best Nutrition Apps for athletes in 2022 
  5. Top 10 Nutrition apps for weight loss 
  6. Amazing Nutrition apps for dieticians 
  7. 11 Powerful Herbs to Balance Female Hormones 
  8. 10 most powerful immune-boosting herbs 
  9. The 10 best Farmer markets near you 
  10. 10 awesome breakfast spinach smoothies 
  1. 20 Sugar-Free snacks that kids love 
  2. 9 proven ways to earn money as a travel blogger 
  3. 11 Breakfast recipes that help reduce belly fat 
  4. Coconut recipe ideas for world coconut day 
  5. Why do we celebrate world coconut day? Explained 
  6. 30+ amazing messages, quotes, and greetings 
  7. How to Execute the Skyscraper Technique? Explained 
  8. 10 Amazing ways to celebrate the international day of charity 
  9. How to celebrate International Day of Charity? 
  10. 7 Amazing Ways to celebrate international literacy day
  1. How to celebrate International literacy day? Explained 
  2. 10 classroom activities for international literacy day 
  3. 7 meaningful ways to celebrate international literacy day 
  4. What can you do to help prevent sui9cide
  5. Top 15 messages and quotes about world first aid day 
  6. Why is the International Day of Democracy Important? 
  7. How to Celebrate world patient Safety Day? 
  8. History of the World Bamboo day 
  9. Why is world Bamboo day celebrated? 
  10. 9 best quotes about bamboo
  1. Why will bamboo products conquer the world one day? 
  2. Why is International red panda day celebrated? 
  3. Know about the International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and why do we celebrate it? 
  4. Talk like a Pirate Day Activities 
  5. How to Celebrate International Day of Peace? 
  6. We commemorate International Day of Peace for a variety of reasons. 
  7. 10 amazing things to do on this international day of peace 
  8. 6 beautiful ways of celebrating international day of peace
  9. How is World Alzheimer’s Day celebrated? 
  10. 10 things to do on Rose Day (Welfare of Cancer Patients)
  1. How is World Rhino Day celebrated? 
  2. How to celebrate the international day of sign languages?
  3. 10 things to do on the international day of sign languages 
  4. 10 things to do on the world pharmacists day
  5. How to celebrate world pharmacist day?
  6. Fun facts about European day of languages 
  7. How to celebrate the European day of languages?
  8. World Contraception Day: Things men and women both need to know
  9. How to celebrate world environment health day 
  10. 10 things you must know about world environmental health day
  1. Know about the world rivers day celebration 
  2. 10 amazing things about world tourism day 
  3. How is world tourism day celebrated across the globe?
  4. How is world heart day celebrated across the globe? 
  5. What to do on international translation day?
  6. 10 Amazing things about international translation day 

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