10 Indian Photographers You Should Follow on Instagram

Instagram is often derided by serious artists and photographers as the platform that birthed and nurtured the selfie culture and destroyed photography as we know it. However, as usual, there are two sides of the coin. Instagram is a powerful and popular medium to showcase your creative work and build a strong online presence if you really want to. That is why today we want to showcase five Indian Instagram accounts belonging to five accomplished photographers. They have thousands of followers and their works are hugely popular. These should also inspire you to

1. Ravi Choudhary

As a photojournalist, Ravi has worked for several newspapers including the Indian Express and the Hindustan Times and has got his work published in scores of others. He hails from Muzaffarnagar and was actually a student of agriculture. But one day he discovered photography and there was no looking back! But a glance through his account will also give you a sense of travel across India, enabling you to soak in its rich colour and texture. https://www.instagram.com/choudharyravi/

2. Joshi Daniel

From Kerala to Kashmir, you can get a virtual tour of the country with Joshi. He has a great interest in documenting different cultures, traditions and lifestyles. His portraits and glamour shoots can also make one drool. A lot of his works are in sensuous black and white. Apart from the DSLR, he also experiments with GoPro and iPhone photography nowadays. https://www.instagram.com/joshidaniel/

3. Rathika Ramaswamy

Rathika is one of the foremost wildlife photographers in this country. Although trained as an engineer, she gradually moved towards photography in order to satiate the connect she always felt with mother nature. She has probably been to almost all the national parks in India and has also ventured into the African jungles to follow her passion. If you are a nature lover, there is no way you will not be mesmerized by her feed. She is also a member of Nikon Professional Services. https://www.instagram.com/rathikaramasamy/

4. Dinesh Khanna

Dinesh is one of India’s foremost professional photographers. His life story itself is a fascinating one. Since his father was also into photography, he tried to avoid it during his youth. He worked in various professions for a long time but eventually he realized that his true calling is nothing but photography. So, he left everything and came back to his roots! His works cover a vast range, owing to his work across a myriad of sectors. From street portraits to lavish weddings and from travel to commercial shoots, you will find almost everything in his account. He is also the founder of the Delhi Photo Festival, India’s only full-fledged photography festival that takes place every two years.

5. Neeraj Priyadarshi

Neeraj is the national photo editor of Indian Express. You just cannot ignore his vast experience as one of the topmost photojournalists of this country. He has also covered many important events from bomb attacks in Kabul to Bihar floods throughout his long career. A lot of his work includes classy portraits in black and white. It is a good place to learn how to play with light and shadow. https://www.instagram.com/priyadarshineeraj/

6. Anushree Fadnavis

Anushree is a photojournalist who excels in capturing the slices of an everyman’s life. So, interested was she in documenting the day to day life of her city, the maximum city of Mumbai, that for almost a decade, she travelled on the ladies compartment of those crowded local trains. Each day she captured a new image and also found a new story. These photographs are poignant and beautiful and you will learn a thing or two about street photography as you glance through them. She works for a news agency called Indus Images in Mumbai.

7. Arati Kumar Rao

Arati functions in a very delicate and important niche, that of environmental photography. As a journalist and environmentalist, she is deeply concerned with the state of our water bodies. She has travelled all around the subcontinent, documenting the state of our rivers, lakes and wetlands because she recognizes the water crisis the world is staring at in a very near future. Her images are poignant yet haunting at the same time. She not only shares snapshots but stories of real people of the hinterlands that are struggling for a drop of water. She has also won several awards and grants throughout her career. Her work has been featured in scores of publications The Guardian, BBC, National Geographic Traveller India, Sanctuary Asia, Better Photography India, and many more! https://www.instagram.com/aratikumarrao/

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