6 Quick & Smart Ways to Promote Old Posts from your Blog

There are many blogger who is continuously updating blog everyday with fresh content. The important of blog updating plays vital impact in the SEO of blog/website. Google don’t like the blog which is not updated with time. Many blogger produce content which is new and updated. So with time, we all are having many posts over the period of time. We need to use those posts in some or the other ways. There are certain posts which can drive huge traffic to our blog. We can utilize our content and grow our audience from social media, other blogs etc. There are some times when we don’t get time to write new content. There are times like exam time, some health issues when we cannot able to write new post. So in those hard time, we can use our old blog posts. To use those blog posts, we need to promote old blog posts.
Below I am going to draft the top things to consider when reworking your old content. Taking these steps will breathe fresh life into something that has expired. So, how to promote your old blog posts efficiently? Let’s get started with the steps:
1. Turn your posts into infographics: Infographics are the modern method of presenting information. Even we are becoming more and more habitual to visual content. Infographics are replacing the traditional text and becoming the ruler now. With the help of infographics, you can easily promote old blog posts.
If you are worrying how to create the infographics. They are very easy to design. All you need is a simple web design service, like Canva.
Nowadays presenting the information in a visual form will make your content more shareable and even viral. Don’t forget to make it shareable, embedded, and post it on Pinterest!
2. Add Interlinks to old blog posts: It is good not only for leading your readers to separate content but it’s also a great SEO strategy. Within each post, set a target to link to 1-2 other blog posts. You should link out the text naturally, and it should be in the main body content.
Tip: Our goal is to have higher pagerank and grab the traffic from Google. So the content should be unique otherwise plagiarized content can become dangerous and your page will not get rank in Google. So its advisory to use Plagiarism Checker Tools.
3. Answer questions on Q/A Sites: Use your blog content to respond to questions on other websites. What I’m trying to propose here is that you find people asking the related queries to your blog post and supply the answers you already have. There are Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers and Quora, as well as questions modeled in forums and groups on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+.
4. Link Old Articles in Comments: When answering the reader comments on your blog, try to use old articles links in comments. It creates faith and improves your page views. The link you will add is going to be there, and if any future users with the same question will click on the same link and you will be surprised how many opportunities will come up.
5. Use sticky posts feature in WordPress: I think Bloggers are under-utilizing this sticky post feature. When you extensively refresh any old blog post, stick it to the top of your homepage. It helps you to get more pageviews, and it promotes SEO too. It’s also an excellent idea to stick your most favorite blog post periodically. As it would, spike your traffic considerably.
6. Turn your blog post into an exciting Video: Undoubtedly, the long blog posts are ruling the internet these days; however, website visitors aren’t always known for their attention span. The video is also increasing in popularity these days. Why not take some of those long- form blog posts and turn them into engaging videos?
Tip: Check out this list of top Visual Content Creation Tools for Content Marketing. YouTube is the largest video-sharing used globally and Google ranks videos higher in search results.
7. Promote on Social Media Again: Now you have given new life to the content of your old blog post, it is time to re-promote on all of the social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. It will seem new to your users, so you do not need to bother about being repeated or spammy. You not only want to re-promote on your social media, Make blogging friends, and pledge to share each others content. No magic will happen by just sitting around with hope. Work hard to get it seen.
So as of now, you must have the idea on how to promote old blog posts. So use the above-mentioned ways to promote old blog posts and see the traffic which you can drive from old blog posts.
I hope this article helped you to find some new ways to promote old blog posts. If you have any other suggestions to promote old posts, do share them in the comment section below.

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