WordPress vs. Blogger – Which one is Better? (Pros and Cons)

Blogging is becoming a very powerful and easy-to-learn source of money making nowadays. Today, many people, especially teenagers and young adults are trying out their luck in blogging. Many succeed, whereas some people who are behind those get-rich-quick schemes quits faster.
However, before starting a blog, there are some very vital questions that pops up in every blogger’s mind. They are:

  • Which niche to choose?
  • What is the domain name that I should opt for?
  • Which blogging platform should I choose

The third question is the most commonly asked one, no matter beginner or pro. There are mainly two commonly chosen blogging platforms, which are Blogger and WordPress. The debate on whether Blogger or WordPress is better has been going on since a long time, and still we are not able to definitely opt one blogging platform, as both has its own pro’s and con’s.
There has been a lot of debates over which is the better blogging platform, Blogger or WordPress. And as we have used both these blogging platforms for blogging, today we are here with some experiences to share which would help you to choose among the two blogging platforms.

Blogger vs WordPress : Which Is Better For New Bloggers ?

As I said earlier, each of these blogging platforms has their own advantages and disadvantages, and hence comparing these two won’t give a clear answer on which is the best blogging platform. But still, a comparison might help you choose between these two, based on your interests.


Below are some important points that needs to be noted about Blogger:

  • Blogger is a free and open platform. You do not require to pay, unless you opt for a TLD domain name.
  • Blogger is a subsidiary of Google. Hence, you always get the best features.
  • Up to 1 GB of free storage for your images and other files. And this 1 GB storage space is linked with your Picasa Web Album.
  • As it’s a free platform, it is hosted on cloud by Google. Hence, you have no control over the hosting of your blog.
  • As it’s hosted by Google on a cloud server, loading times won’t be an issue and you rarely experience any kind of down times.
  • Better security. As WordPress sites are known to be more vulnerable to hacking and related activities than Blogger.
  • If you violate Google Blogger’s terms and conditions, your blogger blog might get deleted at any instance, without prior notification.


Below are some of the points that need to be noted about WordPress before building a blog:

  • WordPress can be considered as a Blogging Client only. Hence, to run a WordPress blog, you’ll need to purchase a domain name and hosting space separately.
  • As you’re separately purchasing a hosting, you have complete control over your hosting.
  • Plugins are a unique feature of WordPress that lets you ease out your tasks by using specified plugins for various tasks on your WordPress blog.
  • WordPress blogs are heavily customizable than Blogger blogs. Hence, WordPress can be a first preference, if you’re out to build a heavy site.
  • As the control of your site are on your hands, you should always work hard to eliminate any possible threats of malware infections or hacking on your blog.

Final Words:

You might have noticed that I did not claim either Blogger or WordPress to be better. That’s because the blogging platform should be chosen according to your blogging interests and needs. However, as a newbie blogger, I would always recommend Blogger over WordPress, as it requires very little financial investments than WordPress. So that, even if you drop blogging in the near future, you won’t face any heavy financial lose.
I would like to conclude this article, by eliminating some common myths about WordPress and Blogger:

  • WordPress sites gains more traffic than Blogger sites: This is utterly wrong. Blogging is all about the content you publish and is not about which platform you use to publish it. A well researched, properly formatted, SEO friendly article would gain more traffic to your blog, no matter WordPress or Blogger.
  • WordPress sites are more SEO friendlier than Blogger sites: Yet another myth. SEO depends on how well you format your blog and blog posts to favor Search Engines. Hence, no matter Blogger or WordPress, a site that follows proper On-Page and Off-Page SEO tactics will favor the Search Engine more.

Have you got more myths related to Blogger and WordPress that needs to be busted? Then go ahead, share them as comments below

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