7 Tips You Should Follow to Double Social Media Traffic

Getting very less traffic from social media websites like Facebook, Twitter Etc? It may be the right to build your expertise over some of the popular social networking sites. Bloggers and webmasters now understand that it is the combination of social media and search engine traffic which can bring them good revenue.
Social media traffic can be very helpful in boosting search engine results, this is one of the reasons for the increasing craze towards social media.
If you want to become a professional blogger, then you definitely need to learn the strategies which can double social media traffic. In this post I’ll make you know some tips which you should immediately follow for increasing the social media traffic.

1. Maintain Your Profiles Properly

First thing you need to do for bringing good social media traffic from different social networking sites is that you need to maintain your profiles really well.
A good profile and cover picture, proper information about yourself and including the links of your main websites are some of the most important things.
The number of social networking sites may keep on increasing. As maintaining profiles at different social networking sites will never be an easy job for you, hence I recommend you to try to target 3-4 social networking sites for getting maximum traffic.

2. Add Social Sharing Buttons

When social sharing buttons will be added to your blog posts your friends and your blog readers will be easily able to share them.
You should try to have the social sharing buttons at the right place so that they’re visible to all the readers. There are different plugins available for adding social sharing buttons to blog posts.

3. Catchy Headlines Can Boost Social Media Traffic

Are you making use of Catchy Headlines already? If not, then you should immediately start making use of them.
I also thought that catchy headlines are of no use, but I was totally wrong about it.
I am now able to see that some bloggers are making use of very catchy headlines for their posts and have been able to double or even triple the social media traffic. Writing catchy headlines is an art which you’ll learn with time. You should regularly make use of catchy headlines and you’ll need to have patience for getting more social media traffic by making use of catchy headlines.
Catchy headlines are very important, but the most important thing is that quality of the content should never lower down.

4. Regular Posting is Necessary

If you don’t post anything on your profile for 2 months and suddenly you decide to make 10 posts, then this may be of no use. Not only regular posting regularly is important, but posting at the right time of the day is also a very important thing.
Regular posting is necessary as it is by regular posting that you’ll be able to build good interaction between yourself and your blog readers. By posting regularly you’ll be able to get more likes and comments than you ever did before.
You should try to thank all those who’re liking the posts, and at the same time you should reply to those who’re commenting at your posts.
Increasing interaction will mean that your strategies are working and the social media traffic which you’re getting to your blogs will now definitely keep on increasing day by day.

5. Join Different Groups and Communities

By joining different groups and communities on Facebook, Google Plus and other social networking sites you may definitely get success in doubling the social media traffic that you’re able to drive to your blog currently.
Groups and communities have many members and that’s by participating in such groups you may definitely get be able to make more people know about your website or blog. You should always try to join groups and communities where members are active and the group is related to your blog’s niche.
You should not only join the groups and communities created by others, but you can also make your own group so that you can promote your links without the permission of others.

6. Make Use of Hashtags

If you have never made use of hashtags while promoting your blog posts on your social networking profiles, then it may be the perfect time to start making use of them on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook etc.
By including hastags you’ll make your promoted posts easily discoverable. Another thing you can do for promoting for posts really well is to include the trendy hastags so that they’ll get noticed by more people.
Even if hashtags are important, don’t try to over-use them. You should try to include maximum of 3-4 hashtags for every post which you’re promoting on various social networking sites.

7. Cross Promotion can be very Useful

Cross promotion is one of the techniques which you should definitely use for doubling the social media traffic that your blog is getting.
Cross promotions means sharing the blog posts of others so that they’ll also make same efforts to share your blog posts. This strategy is very useful as it’ll keep on increasing social media traffic in long run. You may someday get surprised by the number of shares your single blog post will get.
You’ll have to be persistent in promoting the blog posts of others as this strategy may not immediately increase the social media traffic.

8. Arrange a Super Giveaway

Why I termed it as Super Giveaway? Feeling Confused?
Nowadays many bloggers arrange giveaways on their blog and you may be also doing the same. If you want to get lot of traffic by arranging a giveaway, then you need to arrange a giveaway which interests many.
This type of giveaway can be arranged once in a year or once in 2 years. You should try to have lot of prizes so that all the blog readers will decide to participate in it. You can make use of social media campaigns for promoting such amazing giveaways so that you can make the most of the investment which you’re doing in arranging such amazing giveaway.
I’ve tried my best to provide the tips which can really be helpful in doubling the social media traffic. If you know any other tips for increasing social media traffic, then you can definitely share them with me and my blog readers by leaving a comment below. Do you think that the above mentioned tips will help you in getting more social media traffic?

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