7 Simple Steps to Writing Product Descriptions that Sell

After deciding to start a ecommerce business there are several other factors you need to keenly look after to succeed in the arena of ecommerce. First step in doing your ecommerce business is you need to decide on a apt domain name and hosting. Next part is your website, you definitely need to have a high quality design with as many as products. Next major part is good product page. Your product page plays a vital role in increasing your conversion so you need to optimize your product page well to drive out many conversions. While you decide about optimizing your product page the first step is to write a good product description which acts as a sales copy.
Your product descriptions should be very strong as that acts as a deciding factor and makes the customer to buy the product. This post discusses on effective ways to write a good product description for your website.

Ways To Write A Good Product Descriptions For Your Website

Know Your Product

Before deciding to write a powerful meta description you need to understand about the product well so that you can describe them well. This is definetely necessary because you can describe each and every part of a product only if you the product well.
If you haven’t got any idea about the product you are going to decribe then , is it possible to write a description that make you sales?. So understand your product then write an apt description.

Target Ideal Buyer

Your Descriptions should be in such a way that it should target Ideal buyers in your niche. You should definitely understand the main consideration of your target audience and should map the same to your product decriptions making your target audience to buy the product.
Your product description should be in such a way that turning your target audience into buyers without even a second thought.
You might have several other competitors in your niche but the product descriptions in your site should be very appealing and should stands out from rest of the crowd.

Explain Both Features And Benefits

Besides explaining the features you make sure that you also explain the benefits of your product. You should smartly fill the gap between features and benefits.
A feature normally speaks about the offer of your product and the benefit speaks out how useful a feature is to the customer.
Mostly your vistors who land on your site might be knowing about your product benefits unless its a complicated product but still it is recommended to add benefits of your product to convert your visitors to buyers.

Avoid Duplicating Manufacturer Descriptions

You must try to write a unique product descriptions avoidin duplications. When you include a description which is beeen provided by manufacturer then you might end up with loosing your rank in search engines as the same description might be available in several other sites.
You might feel writing unique product description for every product might be a tedious and time consuming if you have a large site with thousands of product in such cases you can segment your product pages and change that part by part. Writing 40-­50 unique descriptions a day might help to overcome plagrarism.

Make it Visual Appealing

You might make your product description should be visually appealing to your customers. Do not write a vague product description in paragraphs.
You can just incorporate below things in your product descriptions

  • Bullet points
  • Bold text
  • Short Paragraphs
  • Images

Keep Your Production as both SEO and Customer Friendly

It is advisable to write a description atleast 100 characters though it is not compulsary. Your product description should be that perfect providing all the necessary informations to your target audience which they are looking for.
Make it SEO friendly include keyword in title tag, head tag and meta description. You can also include your target keyword in your Image caption.

Include below points in your description

  • Include key points providing value to your customer
  • Include all necessary information without fail such as cost, size, colour etc
  • You should convey your information in such a way that it is easy to understand

Test and Tweak It

Practise implementing new techniques in your product descriptions and test it. Analyse your results and find out which works best for you .
Over To You
Hope now you are some stuffs to design your product page in a perfect manner. If you feel that I miss out some points you can very well covey those points through comments and it is much appreciated.

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