How to Use Reddit to Drive Huge Traffic to Your Blog

Reddit is a social bookmarking site founded in 2005. On Reddit you are allowed to blog post in the form of a link or you can also in the form of text post. Whenever you submit your link or text post you should select a proper category which is called as subreddit and each subreddit will have some specific amount of members. As soon as you submit a post to a specific category or subreddit members of that subreddit can vote up or down on your post. The number of votes determines the rank of your blog post in addition it also determines the position of your blog post in Reddit’s page.

How to submit to Reddit?

1 Sign Up With Reddit

If you haven’t used Reddit so far kindly sign up with Reddit through the sign Up form and create a new user account. Once your account becomes active you can submit your link and start promoting your content.

2  Share Content from Your Blog or other Websites

If you need more and more up votes then for first few days of your sign up just keep your blog content aside and start promoting interesting and popular contents from other websites in order to build karma and more up votes. Make sure to increase your karma and after your karma level increases you start promoting your own blog content. It is suggested that you should not only submit links from your blog but also try to submit contents from other blogs too.

3 Be Sure to select right subreddit

Whenever you submit the blog link be sure that you select right category or subreddit. Reddit has many categories which is called as subreddit. Each subreddit has unique rules for submission. Before making a submission to a subreddit be sure to read the rules of that subreddit and submit accordingly.

4 Get More Votes

In order to get huge traffic you need more upvotes. If you get more up-votes for your post then you can strike the front page of Reddit . If you get first ten up-votes for your blog post as soon as possible then your blog post will rise to the top in that subreddit. Always reddit favours newer links than older links. So try to submit newer stories. If your link manages to get more upvotes in that subreddit then it will rise to the front page. If you get downvotes it will affect your ranking in reddit. So, try to get more and more upvotes to strike the front page of reddit.

5 Do not Over submit

Actually other social bookmarking sites allows you to submit multiple links in a day. But here in Reddit you can submit a link only one time in a day for a particular website and that’s enough for a day .

6 Follow other users

One more thing you can do is you can follow other users. You can follow users whose links are on front page. You can also just make a analysis why their post got many up votes and what type of post got on front page on Reddit. This analysis may give you some insight on getting into front page on Reddit.

Final Words:

These are the ideas I follow to market my blog content in Reddit. Hope this blog pot helped you to get some tips to drive traffic from reddit. If you follow any other tips be sure to let me know the same in comments section.

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