How To Do Keyword Research – The Beginners Guide to SEO

Well keyword Research is the most important aspect in terms of SEO. Without Keyword Research it is impossible to make a decision on how to write your content to approach audience . I always use Google Keyword Tool to do my research. I think all bloggers will be aware of Google Keyword Tool. But if not then it is mandatory for you to know about this tool when you do SEO for your Blog.

Perfect Guide To Do Keyword Research for Beginners

Keyword Research in SEO is about the process of finding the search queries and phrases that is used by people to search out for the specific information. In addition we should also find out the relative search Volume  and completion for that particular keyword among our chosen target keywords. However keyword Research is not the single step process it is interlinked to the previous step, the later step and the other.
Inorder to get high ranking and pageviews it is mandatory to have a quality article with killer content. Besides having a good quality article we should optimize it from the perception of search engines. In this post I tried my best explaining about How to Do Perfect Keyword Research for Beginners.

Keyword Research

Whenever People want to find some information they simply type the search queries in the search Engine Query box and hit search. Some people type short search queries and some people type long search queries. So these free keyword tools gives us on a idea about these search queries which are use by people more often . It also gives the search volume and the competition for that specific keyword.  So that we can decide accordingly on which keywords to choose for an article.

Google Keyword Tool for Keyword Research

When you plan to do keyword research you not only Google Keyword Tool to get the job done but there also other tools apart from google keyword tool but this is the best and free tool to use if you are   a beginner. Keyword research not only helpful in SEO part but also it is very much helpful when you plan to start PPC campaign marketing.
However we will discuss about this PPC campaign and how to do effective PPC marketing to yield high results in my later blogposts. For now, just have a look on this tool and learn how to use this tool to select keywords based on your niche for your blog. The First screenshot gives you a rough idea about the targeted keyword “blogging tips”, Adgroup ideas if you want to run a PPC campaign, targeted keyword monthly searches and their competition.
Lets Digg deeper into this Google Keyword Tool

Step 1 :

Actually now it’s a Google Keyword planner Just go the below link Simply go to sign in with your Gmail ID and  password.

Step 2:

Now Scroll  over  to  tools  which  will  be  in  top  Menu  section.  You        can   find  keyword   planner  under  Tools  section.

Step 3:

Now if you click this you will get a below screenshot where you can   type one or more target keywords in the search box that appear
I have entered Blogger tips, Blogging ideas as my keyword likewise you can check out for your keyword. Now let us see below what is the search volume for these particular keywords.
In the above screen shot I have filtered only keywords which is low in competition likewise you can filter for high and medium level competition using keyword filters option which is on the right side. Always it is recommended to go for low competitive keywords at the beginning as you can soon rank fast for those keywords. Always look for a keyword with high searches and low competition to rank fast in search engine.

Filtering your Keywords

You can also refine your search by using Filtering option in the right hand side. Click the pencil icon near to the filter option in order to edit  the results

Keyword Filters

Refine Keyword based on the average monthly searches,CPC and Competition data.You can also include or exclude keyword ideas by including or excluding the search termsBelow screen shot will make you better clear on this
Likewise search for the different set of keywords and download it to an Excel file and try to include those keyword which are high in searches to your Blog post.

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