8 Best Twitter Tools To Unfollow Non Followers

Twitter is very popular social media which is growing faster in current time. As a result, everybody should have twitter account. Most of all, Twitter becomes helping hands to connect those people who have same area of interest. Means, if your area of interest is blooging. Then obviously, you will follow the professionals bloggers. So, Twitter account becomes must have job for you because this can grow your business, interest, knowledge and more digitally. If by some means, you follow those people whose area of interest is not compatible with your interest and those people who are not following you on twitter. And you want to unfollow  those people on twitter. So my today article on RahulDigital is just for you. In this article, I have compiled a list of best twitter unfollow tool for unfollowing inactive twitter users.

Best Twitter Unfollow tool

Here lets have a attentive eyes on these twitter unfollow tool which helps you to unfollow inactive twitter users.

1 CrowdFireApp

This is one of the best tool that you can utilize for both Instagram and Twitter. This tool aware you  about which  people are following you and which or not.This tool basically give you power to  number the following person on twitter in different categories like .

  • Who follow me
  • Non followers
  • Who don’t follow me
  • Inactive followers

This tool is easy to unfollow inactive twitter users. Simple steps to use this tool are .

  • First of all, Click here . Then login with your twitter account.
  • Once you are finished with your login process. This tool check and test your profile.
  • As a result, it will display a list of inactive users or those who are not following you.
  • And want to unfollow people on twitter , just do with clicking on red circle sign.

Below screen shot will ease your effort in unfollowing inactive people on twitter.
This tool provided you with two version. With free version, you can unfollow 25 person per day and with premium version, you can do everything according to your wish.

2 ManageFilter

ManagerFilter is  best twitter unfollow tool which offers you cool features to unfollow inactive users or those who are not following you back on twitter. Managefilter enable you to sort your following person on twitter in following categories like.

  • Inactive
  • No following back
  • Quit
  • Non english
  • Talktactive
  • No profile image

Managefilter is easy to use. Click here and login with twitter account. This tool will display a list of non followers people. Tap on the option “unfollow” to unfollow non followers people. See Below screen shot.
In Managefillter, you just allow free to unfollow 1,000 people per day. In pro account,  You can enjoy addition features of this tool with cost of $12 per month.

3 Friend Or Fellow

Friend Or Fellow is another  simple and easy tool  to use. This tool analyse your twitter account to present a list of your non followers users. Want to use this, its easy , sign in and then click on individual users and tap on unfollow.
You can also export your report as .CSV file.

4 Twitter Karma

Twitter Karma also a best twitter unfollow tool because its not sole helps you to unfollow twitter users from twitter account but also follows the people who are following the twitter account. Just because of this unique features, Twitter Karma becomes must have tool for most of the twitter users to unfollow inactive users.

5 Twitter Counter

Twitter Counter is a cool one tool to unfollow people who don’t follow you. You can utilize free version of Twitter counter to get your work done. With Twitter counter unfollow users with ease.
In addition, Click here to outlook monthly plan to have fun with some additional features like

  • Account audits
  • Email tweets automation
  • Audience insights
  • Engagement analytics

6. Untweeps

Untweeps is also the best one twitter unfollow tool that enable you to unfollow those people who are not following back to you. It is easy to unfollow people on twitter. You have to login to your twitter account. And enter a number so that you can depict, from when is your account is inactive. Because this is useful steps to know about those people who are not following you since a particular time.

7. Unfollowers.com

Unfollowers , the best twitter unfollow tool. It is an very easy app to use and knowledge you about your follower and non followers. This site comes with one problem is that it enable you to unfollow only 100 unollowers per day. Therefore, there will be difficulty if you have more than 100 inactive followers.

8. Tweepi

Would you want to make your twitter account profile clean and there will be no inactive followers in your twitter follower list. Even also it enable you to unfollow people on twitter for free. The Premium plan is also there with  advanced features. But with this, you can unfollow non followers , it is enough.
Make your twitter account totally free from non-followers with all of the above best twitter unfollow tool and clean your twitter timeline free from useless tweets. I hope you catch this article beneficial for yourself. If you like this , share with your friends on social sites and so as to make them knowledgeable about these best twitter unfollow tool. If any Query or difficulty  found in this article, free to ask by comment. I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

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