How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting

One of the most important decisions which you need to make while you’re going to start a WordPress blog of yourself is the decision of buying perfect hosting plan from a good hosting provider. As a blogger needs to invest money for buying shared hosting or any type of suitable hosting plan he needs to search for the best hosting plan as per his budget. It is that’s why necessary that a blogger should consider some important factors before he makes the final decision. A blogger shouldn’t hurry to buy hosting for his new WordPress blog as selecting a good hosting is very much important.
You may not like to waste your time in shifting your WordPress blog to another host just after few months. This is the reason that you should consider the below mentioned 8 factors for finding the best shared hosting plan for your WordPress blog.

1. Know the Most Popular Shared Hosting Providers

You can’t invest money in buying a shared hosting plan which is not provided by a reputed hosting provider. This is the reason that I’ll recommend you to first know the 5 best shared hosting providers. By buying hosting from reputed hosting providers you’ll become sure that your blog won’t face regular downtime.
BlueHost and Hostgator are popular for their shared hosting plans. Many bloggers recommend both the hosting providers as they exist from years.

2. Shared Hosting Plan As Per Your Budget

The next most important thing which you shouldn’t forget is your budget. You should always try to know the price at which a particular company is providing shared hosting and at the same time knowing renewal price is also very important.
You may definitely increase your budget in future, but when you’re starting a new WordPress blog you may definitely like to save some bucks.

3. Check Out the Specifications

This is one of the things which many people miss to check out. You should try to go through all the specifications before you buy hosting plan which you have found to be best according to your budget.
You should try to check out whether 1 click installation of WordPress is available or not. At the same time you should check out whether the company offers unlimited bandwidthunlimited disk space, memory capacityimportant third party tools like CDN and other important specifications.

4. Type of Control Panel

You’ll have to manage your blog yourself and that’s why it is necessary to know that whether the hosting provider provides cPanel, Plesk or a custom cPanel.
Many companies provide customize cPanel which is easy to use as this type of cPanel can be even used by newbies. Most of the companies offer cPanel for free, but there are some companies which charge extra for providing cPanel.

5. Know the Other Hosting Plans Offered by the Company

I definitely won’t go for a hosting provider that provides 1 type of shared hosting plan only. I that’s why recommend hosting providers like BlueHost as it is one of the hosting providers having 3 types of shared hosting plans.
Why it is necessary to know the different types of hosting plans?
Sometimes one may require a better hosting plan than the one he has selected now. It is that’s why necessary that you should know that whether quick upgrade is available or not.
If you think that your blog will soon start getting lot of traffic, then you should also try to know the types of VPS plans provided by that particular hosting provider. I’ll recommend you to go for a hosting provider which has a VPS plan which you can afford.

6. Customer Support

Customer support is the most important thing which I always consider while purchasing hosting for any of my WordPress blogs.
You should always try to go for a hosting service provider which allows you to not only contact the provider by email, but also by live chat support. Getting any type of problem solved gets easier when the hosting provider is equipped with live chat support. You can even test the live chat support before finalizing a particular hosting company.

7. Check Out Customer Reviews

Another thing which can help you in buying best WordPress hosting is by going through the customer reviews of the selected hosting providers.
You can easily Google search the customer reviews and you’ll definitely be able to find some useful reviews. Such customer reviews will help you in knowing the pros and cons of the hosting plan as well as about the quality of service offered by the hosting provider.
Not only while buying a hosting plan, but also while buying tools, plugins etc reviews can definitely be very helpful. You may definitely like to check out the review of Subscribe to Comments plugin.

8. Compare Different Hosting Plans

Comparison of hosting plans will definitely help you out in picking the best hosting plan for yourself. When you’ll Google search for comparisons you’ll find comparison of popular hosting providers like BlueHost, Hostgator, DreamHost etc.
While going through the comparison of any 2 or 3 hosting providers you’ll be to know the difference in price, technical specifications, customer support, add-ons offered and much more.
I hope that you’ll now remember the above mentioned factors while buying hosting for your new WordPress blog. I know that time may be important for you, but always try to spare out some time for finalizing the hosting plan and the hosting provider. Was this article useful for you? Do you know any other factor which one should consider while buying hosting for WordPress blog?

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