7 Ways How to Increase Website Traffic From Google Plus

Want to get more traffic from Google Plus? Nowadays Google Plus has become a very popular platform like Facebook and Twitter for getting good social media traffic. Bloggers, internet marketers, advertisers and even marketing companies seem to be actively participating at Google Plus as they understand that how useful promoting posts at Google Plus can be for them.
Google Plus can not only bring you good social media traffic, but it can also improve your blog’s search engine visibility.
If you’re not getting good traffic from Google Plus still now, then this may be the right time to know some good tips for getting good traffic using Google Plus.
Sometimes you may have felt jealous seeing the number of +1 some bloggers get for the posts shared by them. I want you to not be jealous as you too can get good number of +1 and this will definitely be useful in making your posts popular.

So here I’m listing out the 10 best best tips for getting more traffic from Google Plus.

1. Get More People to Add you in their Circles

More the number of people following you, more will be the number of +1 that your different shared posts will get. For getting good number of people to follow you at Google+ you will have to invest your time for it. It may take months or even a year to get good number of followers at Google Plus.
So if you want more people to follow you at Google Plus, then you’ll need to add the link to your Google Plus profile at your blog. If you don’t have a profile at Google Plus, then you can make your blog readers know your Google Plus Page.
If your blog has 2 to 3 authors, then I’ll recommend you to give link to Google Plus profile of all the authors at your blog.

2. Engage More to get More Traffic

Engagement is one of the most important things for getting good traffic from Google Plus. Not only at Google Plus, but at every social networking site you need to try to engage with more number of people.
Firstly you should try to thank people who have liked your posts and at the same time you should reply to their comments.
You have to not only give time for the posts you have shared, but you also need to go through the posts shared by others. By writing good comments (not 1 or 2 lines comments) at the posts shared by others you may be able to make more people follow you.

3. Make Your Google Plus Profile Look Professional

A good display pic, an interesting introduction about yourself and also including the information about your blogs may make your Google Plus profile look very professional.
If your profile doesn’t looks professional, then you can’t expect to get the best out of it.
Many new bloggers sometimes don’t understand that how they can make their Google Plus profile look very professional. Such people should try to go through Google Plus profile of some popular bloggers so that they’ll be able to know that how they too can make their profile look very professional.

4. Make Use of HashTags

Yeah Hashtags are not only useful at Facebook and Twitter, but also at Google Plus.
I always try to make use of 2-3 hashtags with any post which I share at Google Plus.
Hashtags help me in making the shared posts more visible and it even gives my followers an idea about what type of post I have shared. Whenever I miss to make use of hashtags, I find that such shared posts get less +1 than the other shared posts which include hashtags.

5. Make use of Good Summary

Getting traffic from Google Plus is easy, but if you’ll share your posts without any summary then it won’t be the right idea.
With any post you’re sharing you should try to add proper summary about it. Summary should have good length which means that it shouldn’t be short and at the same time it shouldn’t be very long. Summary should make your Google Plus followers know about the points which you have covered in the post.
Even if it may take few minutes to write the best type of summary for your blog post, it may be worth to write it as it may be very useful in getting more +1s for your posts.

6. Share Good Images and Videos

If you’ll share posts only at Google Plus, then your followers may get bored seeing you sharing the same type of things again and again.
I know some bloggers who regularly share interesting quotes, videos made by professional bloggers and much more.
When you’ll share interesting stuff at your Google Plus profile you may be able to make your followers regularly go through your profile.

7. Host Hangouts to get Popular at Google Plus

One of the best ways to make maximum use of Google Plus is by arranging hangouts regularly. By arranging a hangout you can connect with people directly and it will be a face-to-face interaction.
You can share your knowledge with others by arranging a Google+ hangout. You can also try to make presentation about something at which you’re expert. By sharing your knowledge you may be definitely able to impress people and they may regular try to go through the things that you’re sharing at Google Plus.
Even if hangouts give opportunity to connect with few people directly, then too it has already been a very useful thing for many professional bloggers.
Successful Google Plus hangouts may make you so much popular that you may start getting double traffic from Google Plus as compared to what you’re getting now.
If you have still now never been part of any Google Plus hangout, then you should immediately try out this feature.

8. Share Your Posts in Popular Google+ Communities

You should try to share your blog posts in popular Google+ Communities. Before you start sharing your posts in any Google Plus community, you should try to know the guidelines which apply to that community.
One more amazing thing you can do is that you can make your own Google+ community, and then invite all your followers to that community.
Note – Don’t Spam in Google+ Communities as it may lead to suspension of your account
I hope that my tips will help you in getting more traffic from Google Plus. I think that Google Plus may become more famous in future as the number of online entrepreneurs are increasing day by day. You can go through my bio below for following me at Google Plus. If you have any more tips to share, then you can leave your comment mentioning them.

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