25 App Store Optimization Techniques for Higher Rankings

App store optimization is a way to adapt your application in accordance with a rating criterion of an online store, due to which it is going to become in the top of search results. You need to understand your clients and competitors, choose the right name for your application, maximize your keywords, create a unique description, mark with a unique icon, attach screenshots and video, localize your list of applications, increase traffic by means of outside optimization, release updates on a regular basis, encourage ratings and feedbacks and see you on top of the TOP!
There are more than 12 million e-commerce sites on the internet. It is a boundless ocean where business giants swim with multi-billion of sales and small fries with limited opportunities but huge ambitions.
If you believe that your company even though not big but quite perspective and worth more, it is necessary to work constantly on conversion recovery. It is one of the main goals after all.
Today, you are going to be given 25 simple, but effective recommendations based on statistics. Thus, chase a fabulous conversion!
Did you know that there are 12-24 million e-commerce sites online?! About 3% of them, which are 650 000 companies, make sales of $ 1000 a year. What is barring to sell more?

  • 53% of business owners admit that they put in less than 5% of marketing budget into conversion optimization.
  • 35% of companies say, that they have conversion less than 1%.

1. Speed Is a Formula for Successful Sales

Unwanted seconds of a website loading might turn your client`s back from you forever. Make sure that a recourse speed is optimum.
Average loading speed in Firefox is 2.2 seconds, which makes the number of full loads 15.4% bigger. 275 000 of daily visitors is 100 million of loadings a year.
Walmart.com increased the loading speed from 1 second to 4 and noticed, that with each additional second, conversion 2% decreases.

2. Effective SEO

Here are two main componential parts of successful search optimization:

A. Focus on keywords

The best way to increase conversion is to lift targeting traffic of your website up. For example, if your website is popular upon the request of « Sony DVD-player», it does not make someone buy it. «DVD-player Sony DVP-SR510H to buy in Singapore» work better. It enhances the likelihood to attract real clients. (Tim Soulo, Ahrefs.com)

B. Correct website structure

Well, «structured» website helps to get higher in Google search results. Many resources, taking into account, have 20-30% more income.
And if to look at your URL, users know in advance what to wait for. As a result, you get more clients! (Webperformancetoday.com)

3. High-Quality Design

The website should be mobile devices friendly.
48% of users will refuse from website investigation only because it is inconvenient for a smartphone.

  • 62% of companies, which made their resources design better noticed overfunding.
  • 90% use several devices investigating the website. (Uberflip)

4. А/В-Testing

Effectiveness becomes possible through practical methods.
In order to understand which option of the website`s components works better, А/В-testing is used.

5. Contact information transparency

Make about company and contact information open and available. Also, you may add an online-chat option in order to be able to respond to a user`s question arose.
Actual trends:

  • 90% of clients believe that online-chats are useful.
  • 63% of them will go back to the website where they received a consultation with pleasure.
  • 38% of users admit that a chat played its role in making a decision to buy something. (KissMetricsBlog)

Let users see what you wait for them. Calls for an action should be bright, understandable and simple. It excluded misunderstanding and increases sales to 10-25%. (TrueConversion Blog)

  1. Convenient Navigation

Avoid confusion and unnecessary complexity in the structure of directories and sections. Easy navigation optimizes conversion by 18.5%. (Invesp)

  1. Internal Search

Add a search line by all means. It will help clients not to lose time and efforts and to leave them for getting acquainted with your goods.
13% of users, using internal search admitted, that it is convenient and makes them feel like buying. (SpeckyBoy)

  1. Public Support

People more eagerly buy on the website, which has positive feedbacks, public approval.
Conversion may rise to 200% due to recommendations in fashion magazines.

  • Celebrity support is very effective. For example, Jessica Simpson and Nerida Joy brought Beautymint 500 000 of users during 24 hours after starting an advertisement.
  • Online-games Zynga American developer increased the number of daily users from 3 million to 41 million only for a year due to recommendations of Facebook users.
  • Studies showed, that 1 star in Yelp increases sales to 5-9%.  (TechCrunch)
  1. User Customization

Good customization on the website helps Amazone, eBay and Tesco to sell more to their regular clients on the account of recommendations and reminders.
60% of Englishmen do shopping online once a week as a minimum. Customization makes their shopping process easier. (Customerthink)

  1. Security Control

Whatever people do online, they want to feel secure. Especially when it comes to their monetary funds. Conversion increases to 11% if you use protection with due time and place. (Inflow)

  1. Client`S Experience

Use opportunities to follow and improve a client`s experience.
63% of Americans learn information about exchange and refund before buying.
48% will order more goods if there is an option to give back what does not fit for free.

  • In accordance with Journal of Marketing studies, buyers, who are provided with a free delivery, just for a couple of years increases the amount of what they buy to 357%.
  • 72% of people living in Germany will buy more if they are provided with a free delivery option. Bigcommerce)
  1. Discounts and Clearance Sales

It can increase a conversion.

  • 47% of clients will but goods with discounts.
  • 2% of people look for such kind of goods on purpose. (ConversionXL)
  1. Fine Visual Content

More often than not it includes:

A. Professional and amateur product photo

What you sell should be exposed in every way as large as life. Use high-resolution images only.
User-generated content (UGC) also is an effective client builder. Encourage your clients` publications, which illustrate products.  It boosts conversion to  5-10%. (Marketizator)

B. Video

Видео на посадочной странице способно увеличить продажи на 80%. Кроме видео-лэндингов, применяйте видео-обзоры и описания товаров. (Unbounce)

  1. Product Description

There are two effective methods to describe goods and services:

A. Affect a pain point

Find out what exactly a client wants to get from your product and provide with a solution.

B. Answers to questions

The most effective thing is to give people what they want to get. Tell about a product answering the most frequently asked questions. It will help not to fill in a description only but also exclude the same questions being asked by potential clients.

  1. Reviews and Feedbacks

Most clients believe what they hear from others.

  • 60% of reviews are effective and increase conversion to 4.6%.
  • 63% of users do shopping on the website after reading feedbacks.

The website`s guests, after looking through many feedbacks, are ready to go shopping and spend to 11% more than those who face with user-generated content.
Reviews and feedback from users are considered to be 12 times authentic and reliable sources of information than a product or advertisement description.
Feedbacks are able to increase sales to 18%. (Reevoo)

  1. Transportation Costs Optimization

It is of no little interest to be able to manage costs on delivery and a product transportation.

  • Free delivery is oftentimes treated as important «plus» in making decisions on buying something. 73% of clients are quite critical of it.
  • 93% of people will order more goods if they are provided with a free delivery option.
  • Orders with a free delivery option are made for the value of more at average than 30%.
  • With a free delivery ordering from $ 100, the conversion may be increased to 50%! (ConversionXL)
  1. Magic «Free»

The word «free» always sounds magic for a clients` ears.
А/В-testing shows, that call of action buttons, with «free» word are more effective (28%). (WVO)

  1. Keep Clients on Their Toes

Studies say that limited in time proposals or «unique opportunity» definition have a favourable effect for a conversion.
Marcos Taylor (Venture Harbour founder) said:

The illusion of urgency helped me to increase sales to 332%.

Here are a few methods:

  • Show minimum goods
  • Fast and free delivery
  • A deal timer (ConversionXL)
  1. Registration Discount

A discount or a registration coupon works well for lead generation improvement and new client’s attraction. You not «hook» a guest only, but also make him/her feel like buying.

  1. Better Price Guarantee

Whatever low your prices are, people will always look for cheaper.
44% of buyers admit, that they do shopping at weekends so there was time to compare prices.

  1. Cross-Sell and Up-Sell

Back in the far 2006 Amazone announced, that 35% of its income is a result of cross-selling and up-sell.

  • Upsell is sales of more advanced and expensive version.
  • Cross-sell is sales of associated goods. (Vwo.com)
  1. Two-Stage Purchasing

Quite often, putting goods into a cart, potential clients leave and never come back. 68.63% of deals are not get done. Two-stage purchasing system helps to solve this problem. A cart reminds of itself on its own: as an email or even SMS. Practice shows, that many of the reminders are truly effective and lead to a purchase. (Neil Patel)

  1. Payment Variability

Today, it is possible to pay with not a credit or debit card only. Alternative methods of payment in the year 2014 made 43%, and by the year, 2017 makes 59% from all.

  1.  Email-Marketing Modernization

Traditional email-sending will be more effective if to make a few adjustments:

  1. Welcome letter

  • A well-composed welcome letter is able to bring $ 5.83 at the first purchase, while ordinary letters – $ 0.53 only.
  • Transaction charge will increase to 4% if a special proposal is included to subject and body of the letter.
  • Conversion increases to 40% when you create a series of letters with proposals.
  1. Fresh supplies

  • Letters with news are opened to 114% more often than ordinary ones. Because people can get back to a letter several times.
  • The level of letters about news opening increases to 35% if their subject is simple and attractive.
  1. The number of clicks increases to 55% if to include links to a letter and companies pages in social networks.
  2. A cart reminders
  • It is possible to make up to 67% of clients\’ back, who put aside a purchase without a date.
  • The level of such letters opening increases to 10%, if there is a put an item aside in the subject.
  • Recommendations of associated goods may not push to purchasing only but also to increase a sum to 50%.
  1. Delivery details

Such letters are to be open basically always and increase the clients` loyalty. Do not lose a chance and to raise sales to 20%, putting additional proposals and discount coupons next time you buy something into letters about delivery.

  1. Product reviews

The level of the letter with словом «review» word in the subject opening is 28% higher than other new letters.
Following these recommendations, you will increase a client`s loyalty fast and effectively, and a conversion, of course. Much success at selling!
Universal application optimization recipe does exist. It is no different from other product marketing recipes. Follow three rules so your application was noticed:

  • Create truly cool and necessary mobile application. Profile store shop assistant notice applications of high quality, editors of industry publications and basic users. There is no optimization to save clones of the clones of already existing successful products, which have made everyone`s mouth sore by now.
  • Create positive background noise around the program. Use any methods available: from reviews posts on the leading news internet publications, forum discussions and social networks, and Snoop Dog tweets. What remains is to provide with a product visibility on the Net in general and in application stores in order to receive organic settings.
  • Invest in the advertisement. Choose a user involvement channel, which fits in best of all. It may be search paid advertising, announcements in social networks, paid posts in public and groups, advertisement in mobile applications and cross-promotion societies.

Do not forget about updates of your product on a regular basis. Any factors, having an influence on the attractiveness of an application for users should be of interest to you. Improve design and usability, add functionality, stimulate user`s activity, try different business models.
You may share your own experience of an application building in comments. Tell about the most effective tools in your point of view. You will be able to define the most effective optimization channels with the help of analytics systems. Let alone to value the user\’s needs and choose a program development director. To analyze the effectiveness of applications is possible by means of the following services: Google Analytics for App, Mixpanel, Flurry, AppAnnie, App Analytics, MobileAppTracking, AppsFlyer.

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