Love to capture, speculate and decode celebrity fashion and style? Why not become a celebrity fashion blogger? The key to becoming a successful fashion blogger is to have a clear plan for your new blog – what you want to do, how to communicate with your readers, and how to best grow your brand.
With that in mind, we’re going to give you five tips and tricks to help you become a successful celebrity fashion blogger. Excited?
Top 10 Tips to Become a Successful Fashion Blogger
1. Define Your Style
Concocted a statement of purpose about what you need to fulfill with your blog. Is it going to be an \”only for entertainment only\” online motivation board for your outfits and your life? Is it going to be an individual style journal with runway audits of your most loved shows? Is it true that you will blog to take a break (and evade homework), or would you say you will attempt to land a position as a mold insider?
Like most things in life (or homework and vintage shopping, at any rate), the amount you receive in return is straightforwardly identified with how much time you put into it. It may take you not exactly a moment to peruse your most loved blogger\’s most recent post, yet it likely took her (or him!) no less than a hour to create it. Each blogger has his or her own strategy: a set timetable, on-the-fly posting, whatever, at whatever point! Choose what works for you; an inflexible blogging calendar may permit you to better adjust the majority of your school and social commitments with your freshly discovered side interest, or intermittent propelled posts may bring about your best work.
Remember that the hours you put into blogging ought to dependably be out of adoration. You\’ll grow a group of people in time, so as opposed to focusing on your number of perusers or measure of remarks, concentrate on being consistent with yourself and your style.
2: Name IT
Naming a blog is somewhat similar to looking for a satchel—select something you adore, on the grounds that you\’ll be investing a great deal of energy with it. Have a meeting to generate new ideas, do a little research, and bob thoughts off your imaginative disapproved of companions. Select a name that typifies your identity and separates you. Straightforward is great, since you need perusers to have the capacity to recall your blog address off the highest point of their heads. basic, then again, dangers being effortlessly overlooked in an ocean of cunningly named style goals.
Go for something that is moderately one of a kind, with the goal that you can utilize a similar name on various stages to advance your blog. Changing the name of a blog, also called \”re-marking,\” can be a genuine bother, so begin with a name you won\’t become ill of.
3: Plateform Selection
There are an interminable measure of distributing devices you can utilize—some are commonly recognized names (hi, Tumblr!), while others are new web businesses that appear each day. Each has an arrangement of advantages and disadvantages, so play around before submitting and utilize whichever one you\’re most alright with.
Blogger is the most prominent among individual style bloggers since it\’s anything but difficult to work with and there are numerous formats to browse. Heaps of utilizations—which fundamentally just means favor schmancy innovative additional items—are incorporated, and formats can be custom fitted to suit anybody\’s style at the snap of a mouse.
Tumblr has a huge number of subjects to browse, and they\’re all easy to customize and about inconceivable to demolish (reward!). The easy to use configuration makes for simple posting and on the grounds that posts can be reblogged and imparted to facilitate, this blogger stage, or microblogging stage rather, makes organizing unthinkably simple. For the individuals who are dependable on-the-go, Tumblr additionally has an incredible iPhone application that lets you to blog from your telephone.
Fair specifies go to WordPress, an option that is gone for more experienced bloggers who have involvement with HTML, Posterous, which is a streamlined adaptation of Tumblr and is utilized to distribute Gap\’s vital new blog, and Squarespace, a smoothly outlined substance administration framework that makes wonderful sites (at a value—they charge $5 a month).
4: Make IT Beautiful
Blog configuration can take five minutes or five weeks, contingent upon whether you go the DIY course or contract a website specialist. Nothing extravagant is essential; a blog simply should be anything but difficult to peruse and explore.
In case you\’re dumbfounded with regards to web-talk like CSS and HTML, settle on formats that accompany your picked blog stage. Another choice is scanning for pre-made formats—sprouting website specialists post the HTML codes, and you should simply drop it into the back-end code of your blog.
5: Promote Yourself Aggressively
Don’t be afraid to promote yourself aggressively. Share your blog with family, friends, and acquaintances – plus, make maximum use of social networking to reach out to more and more people.
If your content is good, your styling is unique, and your visuals are high-quality, there’s no reason for you not to share your blog with as many people as you possibly can. Build great relationships just by making a simple tweet
6: Grow Your Readership and Followers
Try and schedule as many celebrity style interviews as you possibly can. Go ahead and reach out to celebrities – big and small, fresh and veteran – so that you’re better able to create unique content for your blog. This is the only way to truly become a successful fashion blogger.
Additionally, keep a close eye on which celebrity is making headlines in celebrity news and try to do a similar fashion piece for your blog. Highlight a piece on a celebrity sporting a variety of bold, beautiful outfits. Your blog will receive a spike in traffic from people looking for articles about Rachel Adams’ fashion statement at the Oscars.
7: Get Paid For Your Expertise
Try brand sponsored posts to monetize your blog. Gradually as you become a popular celebrity fashion blogger brands will want to pay you for marketing.
Average women can emulate a celebrity’s look at more affordable prices.
8: Network
We cannot stress on this enough! While social networking helps your fashion blog, you need to meet the right people to become a fashion blogger. Celebrity stylists, brand managers, fashion editors play a crucial role in the success of your blog.
Attend the latest fashion events locally to meet with the high-profile people. Simple events like celebrities endorsing a store are events worth covering for your blog.
9: Establish Yourself as an Expert
Pitch for celebrity style stories for local newspapers and magazines, even without compensation. Right now, your focus should be on building your brand. Learn How To Become A Successful One! and create your portfolio to highlight your expertise and work with preferred brands.
Are you a fashion blogger or trying to become one? We’d love to hear your thoughts on our blog. Drop a comment!