11 Killer Blogspot SEO Tips For Bloggers

We all know that it is impossible to get high search engine traffic without optimizing a blog. In this post I will be sharing the best SEO tips for blogspot blogs. Most of us dream about the passive income in our life. We can achieve a high passive income in a Blogging career if we follow the statergy correctly. At First most of us enter into the Blogging world with the help of Blogspot Blogs as it is easy and it is a free hosted Blogging platform. Also you can learn the basics with the help of Blogger Blog.
In this post I tried my best to give you out all SEO Tips for Blogspot Blogs which are very effective. All these below SEO Tips for Blogspot Blogs is a must known for every Blogger especially for newbie Blogger in order to suceed in blogging career.These Search Engine Optimization  Tips helps your blog to get high Search Engine ranking .

Basic  SEO Tips for Blogspot Blogs:

1. Search Engine Friendly URL

A good Search Engine Friendly URL is mandatory for every blog. It is recomended to have a keyword rich domain name . There are lot of tools available for domain name suggestions.I have listed below the best four Domain Name Suggestion Tools

  • Domainsbot
  • Namestation
  • Name.com
  • DomainTools

2. Content

We all know that content is the King of any Blog. If you need to succeed in Blogging try to have a compelling content in your Blog. Provide as much as long artilce as you can.You should not only concentrate on the quantity of the article but the quality. Provide indepth article which brings you lot of readers attention.Try to inlude relevant Images and Screenshots. Unique Content is must for every blog to rank high in Search Engines.

3. Custom Meta Description for each post

Blogger Blogs recently made this option of including custom Meta description tags for each post .This facility makes blogger blogs easy for Search Engine Optimization. You can find this option under post settings of your blogpost.

4. Keyword Density

Do a thorough Keyword research about your niche and have some 5-10 keywords in a notepad before writing your post. If you are not aware of doing keyword research then I suggest you to read this post on how to do a keyword research for beginners. And also I suggest you to concentrate only 2-3 keywords for a single post. So that you can think better and optimize the post well with that keywords alone rather than concentrating on more keywords for a single post. Further it will be easy for you to maintain a good keyword density.Always try to maintain a good density of 2-3%.

5. Optimize Images for SEO

Images speaks 1000 words. Always try to include atleast 2 to 3 Images in a Blog post. And you should not leave it just like that. Instead try to optimize it. In blogger you need to manually optimise the Images for Search Engines. Right Click the properties and add the alt tag and title tag for images .This will help you to rank high in google image search which will drive you more traffic.

6. Blog Post title

You should have the Good Blog post title relevant to your post.Try to include some catchy title which brings readers attention to read your blog post. Titles like “How To”, “Tips and Tricks”, “Best Ideas” Seems to quickly grasp readers attention.

7. Blog Post title Swapping

After creating a good blog post title swaping the blog post title is a must for optimizing blog title for search Engines.  By default in Search Engines you blog title appears first followed by blog title. But this is not good for Search Engines. So by optimising the blog title for SEO your blog post title appears first followed by blog title. Just follow the simple stepa below

  1. Go to Blogger.com
  2. Select your Blog
  3. Go to Edit HTML from your Blog Post

Expand the Template and Search for


4.   Replace the above one with below

<b:if cond=‘data:blog.pageType &quot;index&quot;’>

You are done

8. Custom Permalinks

Permalinks can be easily optimised in Blogspot Blogs.Whenever you write post dont forget to give permakinks for Blogger Blogs as this is a good way to add some keywords to your blog post. In the right hand side of your post area you can find post settings option you can find this permalinks option. Either you can have a automated Permalinks for your Blog post or you can customize it to have your own link

9. Link Building

LinkBuilding is the must thing to get more backlinks to your Blog as backlinks helps you to get high search engine rankings.You should be very careful in doing this linkbuilding. Try to build links in the same niche what you have for your blog. Also try to build Linkbuilding with the blogs with high Google Page rank.

10. Robot.txt

If you have any specific pages which you do not want the search engine  spiders to be crawled then try adding custom robot.txt to your blogger blog. I have explained this clearly in the post how to add custom robot.txt file in blogger Blog.

11. No follow Attribute

If you include any external link in your blog try to add this no follow attribute to your external links

Concluding Words

I have explained all the Basic SEO Tips for Blogspot Blogs which I follow. Now its your turn to let me know your thoughts in comments. If you like like this post feel free to share in your social networks and help us by following us in Google plus, Facebook and Twitter. Hope you enjoyed reading this article.

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