10 Guidelines for Writing Usable and SEO Friendly Content

The concept of an ideal article has changed, since Google started to roll out frequent algorithm updates. Today, an ideal article has its first priority for the readers, then comes Search Engine Optimization.
When it comes to On-Page SEO, there are many misconceptions and myths circulating in the blog-o-sphere. And many bloggers follow these blogging myths, in a belief that these rules might help their blog succeed.
Similarly, while writing an article, there are many beliefs about what an ideal article is. Many believe that the keyword density is the factor that can determine how effective an article is. Whereas, others believe that quality is the sole aspect of an ideal article.
However, as I said above, an ideal article should be able to satisfy the reader’s needs and also should meet the Search Engine’s quality standards. And if you’re able to write such content, then both readers and search engines will love your blog !
But, are you confused on how to write an article, that can impress both Search Engine and readers?

Top 10 SEO Guidelines For Writing Content

A step by step guide to incorporating search engine optimization in to content writing for the blog. Well then, we’re here to help you out. Today we are here with Top 10 SEO guidelines for writing content, that can impress both readers and search engines.

1. Quality Comes First

Readers always want quality. They want your article to have some solutions for what they’ve come for. And readers will always love your blog, if you’re able to help them through your blog.
Similarly, Search Engines want its users to get the best results. They want readers to get solution for what they’ve come for, within a single search. Therefore, Search Engines too will always love, prefer and validate content with high quality.
So write for the readers. Impress them. This way,  you’ll increase your traffic as well as your SEO.

2. Word Count Matters

Many people disagree about writing long content. They say that increasing the word count will make their reader feel bored and will also make their article look odd.
But technically, if you look into the SERP stats, content with 2000+ word count largely ranks on the first page of Search Results, even for competitive keywords.
So yes, word count does matter in writing an effective content. But don’t just stuff rubbish stuffs in your article, just for the sake of word count.
Instead, go beyond your post title. Explain all important and related queries on your post title. This will help you in increasing the word count of your article, with useful content. Also, it will help your readers know more about the specific title.

3. Use Keywords, Don’t Stuff Them

When you talk about keywords and their use, there will always be a dispute. Many people believe that choosing the perfect keyword, and using them in dilute density can really help a blog post to rank well, amongst others.
However, there are some who believe that keyword density doesn’t make any change.
No matter what, keywords do really help in ranking a blog post well. You should always go for keywords with minimum competition and maximum search entries, to get increased exposure on Search Results.
And, you should never stuff in keywords to your blog post. If Search Engines notice un-healthy keyword stuffing on your blog post, then your blog might get penalized.
Instead, always use keywords in a normal and legible manner. Add some LSI keywords while writing a blog post. LSI keywords have been proved to increase Search Engine visibility.

4. Avoid Grammar And Spelling Errors

Well, Grammar and Spelling of your blog post does not directly affects your SERP or any other rankings. But hey, writing an article with minimal or no errors will increase your overall reputation.
Even though these factors does not directly affect your blog’s SEO, they may be considered as small factors, while evaluating your blog posts.

5. Socialize Your Content

Social Signals do influence the SERP and other ranks of a webpage. By the introduction of Author Rank, the importance of Social media platforms has increased.
Many people believe that Google only gives priority to Google Plus. But thats completely wrong.
While considering social signals to rank a web page, Search Engines uses data from all major social media’s and social bookmarking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin, Reddit etc. Hence while sharing your content on social media’s, all these sites should be given equal priority.

6. Using Meta Descriptions For Your Blog Posts

The title and meta description tags that you use in your blog, still remains a major SEO element that favors your blog in SERP.
Using your primary keywords both in your post titles and meta description can positively boost up your SERP and also help you rank amongst other stronger competitors.
Keep your meta description below 160 words, which is considered as the maximum SEO limit for meta description.
7. Keep A Nice Format
Both Search Engines love content that’s adequately formatted. What this means is that you have to keep your content’s format pleasing and simple so that both search engines and readers can easily go through your content.
Keep adequate spacing between each paragraph. Write down your content as short paragraphs and space them well. Also add numbered bullets whenever needed to give a well-ordered style to your blog posts.

8. Interlink Articles

Interlinking has great SEO benefits. It helps Search Engine bots to crawl inner and older pages of your blog posts, it helps in increasing the SERP and Google Pagerank of your blog posts and moreover also brings in some pageviews to your older pages.
While interlinking make sure that you interlink relevant content only, and keep a limit for interlinks that you place per page. Remember, everything has its own limits, and if you exceed that limit Search Engines may consider it as a spam signal, and will penalize your blog !

9. Keep It Sweet

Be human-like. Bring out expressions in your article. Write like the way you speak. This way, you can keep your content unique and interesting. Don’t hesitate to crack some serious jokes in between your article.
But hey, again everything has it’s own way to express and limitations. Your sole goal as an author should be to provide high quality content, in a legible and interesting manner.
Add images, inforgaphs, videos or any other sources relevant to your post title, in order to nourish your blog posts.
If you succeed in providing unique and interesting content, then you can easily turn your first-time visitor to a loyal reader.

10. Finally, Avoid OLD SEO Techniques

The whole SEO concept in taking a new dimension. Webmasters should now follow latest SEO trends to catch up with the wind and to build a successful blog.
Therefore, don’t follow a SEO guide that might have been written 3 or 4 or 5 years ago. These SEO tactics may not be of any use, but moreover may even harm your blog.
And finally, I hope the above mentioned tactics will help you in writing more efficient, addicitive and SEO friendly content !

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