How to Write a Strong SEO Title Tag that Google Will Love

Most of you who are in internet marketing know how important is the title tag in SEO perception. But still each and every day newbies like me arise in Internet Marketing world. So this post throws a insight on some efficient strategy to write a perfect title tag for SEO for those who were unaware about the importance of title tag in search engine optimization. The title tag is an important aspect both for SEO and Social sharing. Each webpage should have a title tag and it is nothing but the short description of a page content.

What is a title tag?

Actually  a <title> tag is a HTML code which every webpage should consists of without fail. Normally we write this <title> tag  within the <head> section of a webpage. Page title is the most important aspect of On-page Search engine optimization. Search engine’s like Google make use of this page titles as the title of search snippet link in SERP(Search Engine Result Page)

How does a title tag look like?

You can find the title tag in the <head>section of your webpage like this

<title>Example title</title>

Let me take my site as an Example . For this below post I have given “Instant Approval CPM Networks” as the page title so when someone searches any keywords related to that that post will appear in Google search result page with the page title tag followed by the blog URL.
If you are using chrome then you can find the title tag appears in browser tab itself and other browsers give the tab space for that.

How to write a perfect title tag for SEO?

Below are some of the strategies that can be followed to a write a perfect title tags for SEO.

1)Use one or two targeted  <title> tag per page

Many of them  uses multiple keyword per page which is a wrong strategy. By doing this you are devaluating the importance of <title> tag.The limit of this tag is 65 characters. You can check the limit with the help of the website  And always title tag should be placed within <head>tags . Some of them write this <title> tag within the <body>  tags which is also a wrong strategy.

2)Include spaces between words

If you are using long tail keywords as your <title> tags then practice to include space between the words.

3)Do not Use Stop Words

Actually stop words are common words that may interrupt with your SEO efforts.Whenever a user enters a stop word in search query google will always ignore them. Avoid using stop words in <title> tags as they were ignored by search engines and it is of no use.

4)Keep <title> tags unique for different pages

Always mind to keep <title> tag unique for different pages.  Else duplication issue may arise and search engines cannot fetch the exact webpage.

5)Do not stuff <title> tag with keywords

It is not good to stuff <title> tag with more keywords.  Actually those webmasters thinks to rank for all the keywords so as  a result most of them are stuffing the <title> tag with keywords. Keyword stuffing is a big blunder for <title> tags.

6)Do not use more than 70 character limit

As we already discussed the length of <title> tag is only 70 characters. It is not a good sign to add more characters than this limit.

7)It is not recommended to add the same phrase used in <title> tag for <h1> and <h2>

Always if you are  using a <title> tag then avoid using same phrases for <h1> and <h2> tags. Slightly alter the <tile> tag and update <h1> and <h2> tags. Else you can target another important keywords related to your blog post  in header tags. So now you got 2-3 keywords for your post . You can now target your post for these three keywords. You can also check your keyword density for these keywords as higher the keyword density the higher chance of your blogpost being indexed by google.

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