100+ Holiday Blog Post Ideas to Inspire Your Content Planning

The holidays are a time for spending quality time with friends and family, but it’s also the perfect opportunity to increase blog traffic by publishing thoughtful posts that resonate with your audience. If you’re stuck on what to write about this holiday season, don’t worry! We’ve compiled 100+ ideas for blog posts that will inspire your content planning.

More than 100 great holiday blog ideas

Let’s get straight into our enormous list of more than a 100 great holiday-themed blog post ideas.

  1. Make Your Own Handmade Christmas Cards This Season with these DIY Ideas

Handmade Christmas cards are  always a special touch for family and friends, but it can be challenging to come up with creative designs that tell your story. This is your chance to inspire your audience.

  1. How to Make a Christmas Tree Ornament with Recycled Materials

For those on a budget, Christmas can be an expensive time of year. That’s why it makes sense to use recycled materials for your holiday decorating. For example, you can turn old coffee cups into a Christmas tree ornament using just a few simple steps! Show your readers how.

  1. Create Your Own Unique Family Handprint Ornaments for the Holidays

Does the idea of creating family handprint ornaments make you smile? If so, you can use this as inspiration for a blog post on creating holiday memories that will last a lifetime.

  1. Affordable DIY Holiday Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love!

This post  could show your audience how to create personalized gifts that they can enjoy, while saving money.

  1. DIY Holiday Gifts for Pets

This is a fun blog idea, because you can share how to make holiday gifts for your furry friends.

  1. Holiday crafts at home with kids

This is a great idea for parents who want to get their children involved in the holiday spirit.

  1. Holiday Entertaining: How To Invite People Over For An Affordable Dinner Party

The holidays are a time for entertaining and spending quality time with friends and family. This post has the idea of sharing how to host an inexpensive dinner party.

  1. How To Make Your Own Gingerbread House at Home

Making gingerbread houses is a fun family activity that is perfect for the holidays.

  1. Favorite Last Minute Decorations to Save You this Season

We all know that the holidays are a busy time of year. Take the stress out of last minute decorating ideas! Let your audience know about the perfect decorations that they can pick up in a pinch.

  1. Tips for Surviving the Busiest Time of the Year

If you’re like most people, the holidays are a time of year that leaves you feeling frazzled. This blog post idea can help your audience survive the holidays.

  1. How to Survive Holiday Traveling with Children

If you’re planning on traveling during the holidays, this blog post idea is perfect for your audience. After all, who doesn’t want

  1. Top 10 Gifts to Buy Your Wife this Holiday Season

We all know that the holidays are a time of giving, but this blog post idea might be perfect for your husband. After all, you can show him how to shop for his wife this season.

  1. Top 10 Gifts to Buy Your Husband this Holiday Season

You could do the same blog post but filled with ideas for gifts to give a husband.

  1. Top 10 Gifts to Buy Your Son

The holidays are about kids more than anything else. That’s why this blog post is perfect for the holiday season.

  1. Top 10 Gifts to Buy Your Daughter

The same idea as above, but filled with ideas for gifts to buy your daughter.

  1. A Gentler Approach to Gift Giving for Kids

This is a great holiday blog post idea for parents who are looking for ways to maximize their budget.

  1. Favorite Gifts for Relatives and Friends

This is a great blog post idea for those who are looking to give gifts for wider family and friends this season, but don’t know what to get.

  1. Unique and Unusual Gifts for the Holidays

Give your audience gift ideas that are unique and have a special touch, while still being affordable.

  1. Gifts to Buy Your Colleague

This is a great blog post idea for those looking to give gifts to their work colleagues this holiday season.

  1. Secret Santa Gift Ideas for the Office

This post could give your audience gift ideas for their Secret Santa this year.

  1. The Most Expensive Gifts of the Year

This novelty post would try to show some of the most expensive and maybe silliest gifts of all time.

  1. The Joys of Giving Back at the Holidays

This is a great blog idea to give inspiration to those who want to give back during the holidays.

  1. Gifts that Give Back

This post could share some gifts that help the recipient give back to people in need. It can be a great way of doing good this year!

  1. Holiday Gift Guide for Tech Lovers

We all know that the holidays are a time when people love to give gifts, and this blog post idea could share and review some great gadgets that you can get for the tech lovers in your life.

  1. Top Holiday Gifts Under $100

This type of blog post could be tailored for all budgets.

  1. Top Ten Gifts to Avoid This Year

This is another great blog post idea that can make your audience laugh. After all, who doesn’t want to avoid giving a terrible gift.

  1. 7 Ways to Stay Fit Over The Holidays

This is a great blog post idea for those who are looking to keep fit during the holidays.

  1. 5 Delicious Dishes For Your Christmas Table

This is a great food blog post idea to help those who are looking to up their food game this holiday season.

  1. Quick and Delicious Recipes for your Holidays Feasts

The holidays are about food as much as anything else so why not give your audience some quick and delicious recipes to make for the holidays!

  1. Holiday Gift Guide for Healthy Eaters

This blog post shares some great gifts for people who live an active and healthy lifestyle. You could look at posts like this one for inspiration.

  1. Recipes You Wished You Could Serve at the Holidays

Write about that one dish you love but that would be weird to serve during the holidays.

  1. Recipes You Wish You didn’t Have to Serve at the Holidays

The same idea as above, but with recipes you don’t want to have to serve. Come on, you know there are at least a few you’d rather weren’t on the menu.

  1. Holiday Recipes You Can Make in Advance

This blog post could give your audience recipes they can make in advance to take the stress out of the holidays.

  1. Holiday Party Menu Ideas for Any Occasion

This blog post idea could help your audience plan their holiday party menus this year, whether the party be for Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s Eve.

  1. Best Recipes for a Crowd

This would be a good post for anybody looking to entertain a lot of guests over the holiday.

  1. Best Food Gifts this Holiday Season

Give your audience gift ideas for the foodies in their lives.

  1. Christmas Traditions Around the World

This blog post idea could give your audience some insight into different Christmas traditions from around the world.

  1. The Joy of Family Gatherings and Celebrations Around the Globe

Similar to the above but focusing on the different types of parties that different cultures celebrate.

  1. Tips for a Stress Free Thanksgiving Dinner

This blog post could give your audience some tips for a stress free Thanksgiving dinner. It can be great to help people plan their holidays! Little things like these food storage hacks could go a long way here.

  1. The Best Snow Globes for Christmas

This blog post could share some of the best and most unique snow globes that you can get this year or that you’ve simply found photos of online.

  1. How to Decorate Your Home Without Using Tinsel

A lot of people are ditching tinsel this year so write about how you can decorate your home without using it!

  1. How to decorate on a budget this year

This is a great blog post idea for those who are trying to save money this holiday season but still want their home looking fantastic.

  1. What are the most expensive decorations in the world?

This blog post could highlight some of the most expensive (and maybe ridiculous) decorations that you can get your hands on this year.

  1. Traditions that Will Make You Feel At Home This Holiday Season

Write about something that makes you feel at home and reminds you of the holidays.

  1. Favorite Christmas Movies

This blog post could share some of your favorite Christmas movies. Everybody has their favorite Christmas movies, now is the time to share yours.

  1. Awful Christmas Movies You Can’t Help but Laugh At

If you’re like me, there are some awful Christmas movies out there that just make you laugh. This blog post idea could give you a chance to share yours.

  1. The Christmas Movies You Used to Watch When you Were a Kid

This post could share some of the Christmas movies you used to watch when you were a kid. Maybe people don’t watch them anymore?

  1. Holiday Movies You Love with Family Members

Holidays are about family. What are some of your greatest holiday memories watching movies with your family?

  1. How Have the Holidays Changed From When You Were a Kid to Now?

This blog post could share some of the things that have changed from when you were a kid to how it’s celebrated now.

  1. What is your favorite Christmas song?

This blog post would be perfect for anybody looking to get in the Christmas spirit.

  1. What is your least favorite Christmas song?

This blog post could be a great way to get people thinking about their own opinions on what the most annoying Christmas songs are.

  1. Christmas Songs You Forgot Existed

It’s time to bring back those Christmas songs that nobody ever listens to anymore.

  1. Favorite Christmas Shows

What are some of your favorite Christmas shows? Tell your audience about them so that they can watch them too.

  1. Why We Love the Holidays

This blog post idea could give you a chance to share what you love about the holidays.

  1. How to Spend Less and Enjoy the Holidays More

This blog post could help people save money during the holidays.

  1. Round up of your Best of Posts from the Past Month or Two?

This blog post could share some of the best posts from your past couple months. Is there a topic that you’ve been doing really well with?

  1. What Are You Thankful For This Thanksgiving?

A cute Thanksgiving blog post idea could be sharing what you’re thankful for this year.

  1. Why You Should Spend Time with Your Family This Holiday Season

This blog post idea could share why you should spend time with your family this holiday season.

  1. Who do you wish you could spend the holidays with?

You could write something heartfelt about a family member or something funny about a celebrity.

  1. What are the Best Holiday Gifts You’ve Ever Received?

This blog post could give readers ideas about what the best holiday gifts to get.

  1. What are your favorite things about Christmas?

Give your audience a chance to know you better by sharing your favorite things about Christmas!

  1. The Miracle of the Pumpkin Spice Latte

This blog post could tell the story of how Starbucks’ pumpkin spice latte came about. It’s become a true holiday classic.

  1. How to Stay Safe This Holiday Season

Give your audience some tips for staying safe this holiday season.

  1. Habits to Start Today to Reduce Stress Over the Holidays

This blog post could give people the chance to start a new habit this holiday season that helps them feel less stressed.

  1. One Thing You Can Do to Reduce Your Holiday Stress

This blog post idea could give your audience one thing they can do to reduce their holiday stress.

  1. Preparations for Christmas Eve with Kids

This blog post could share some ideas for Christmas Eve with kids.

  1. How to Survive a Holiday Visit with Your In-Laws

To help your audience survive their holiday visit with their in-laws, you could give them some tips to help. Don’t talk about politics, etc.

  1. Great Ways to Celebrate the Holiday Season With Your Family

This blog post could give people ideas on how to celebrate the holiday season with their families.

  1. Top Toys For This Holiday Season

This blog post could share some information about the top toys this holiday season.

  1. How to Make Your House Look Like a Winter Wonderland

Give people ideas on how to make their house look like a winter wonderland with your blog post!

  1. What are some unexpected ways you celebrate the holidays?

This blog post could show your audience some new ways they can celebrate the holidays.

  1. The Holidays according to Disney Characters

This blog post could share how Disney characters celebrate the holidays.

  1. The Top Toys of Christmas Past 

This blog post could share the top toys from different Christmases throughout the years. What were the hottest toys and when?

  1. Christmas Decorations in Movies

This blog post idea could highlight some of the best Christmas decorations that have appeared in Christmas movies.

  1. Christmas Dinner Traditions Around the Globe

This blog post could share some of the different Christmas dinner traditions around the world.

  1. The Science of Gift Giving

This blog post could share some scientific facts about gift giving. How giving and receiving affects our brains, etc.

  1. 20 Books to Read This Holiday Season

This blog post could share 20 books you should read this holiday season.

  1. Make a Christmas Quiz

This blog post could give your audience a chance to take a quiz about Christmas.

  1. Favorite Ways to Spend the Holidays as an Adult

This blog post could give your audience some ideas on how to spend the holidays as an adult. What are your favorite ways?

  1. How to Make the Perfect Christmas Brunch

This post could share some ideas on how to make the perfect Christmas brunch.

  1. Best Vegetarian Holiday Dishes

It’s not always easy cooking vegetarian food during the holidays, which is why this post could be perfect for your audience.

  1. Best Vegan Holiday Dishes

Just like the above, but with vegan dishes. You’ll find some great vegan tips to include in this post.

  1. How to Enjoy the Holidays When You’re Single

This blog post could share some ideas for single people on how to enjoy the holidays.

  1. How You Can Make Your House a Home This Season

Why not give your audience some ideas on how they can make their house a home this holiday season.

  1. Making the Most of Your Holiday Shopping

This article would share some ideas for making the most of your holiday shopping. How to avoid queues, save money, etc.

  1. The Best Ways to Spend Your Holiday Money This Year

This blog post could give your audience some ideas about how to get the most out of their money over the holidays.

  1. How Technology Impacts Your Holiday Shopping

This blog post could give some insight into how modern gadgets impact the holidays.

  1. How to Survive the Work Holiday Party

Give people some tips on how to survive the work holiday party with your blog post.

  1. How to Survive a Family Reunion This Holiday Season

This blog post could give your audience some tips on how to survive a family reunion this holiday season.

  1. Unique Ways to Spend Time With the Kids over the Holidays

Why not give your readers some unique ideas on how to spend time with the kids over the holidays.

  1. Treat Yo’ Self to an Early Holiday Shopping Spree

This article could show your audience how they can treat themselves to an early holiday shopping spree. Maybe they could get all their gifts bought before the holiday rush starts?

  1. Blog Post Advent Calendar

You could commit to a new post for every day of December, just like with an advent calendar.

  1. All the Best Advent Calendars of the Year

Everybody loves advent calendars and you can get some great ones these days. Highlight all the best advent calendars that have been released this year.

  1. How do celebrities celebrate the holidays?

Why not highlight how celebrities celebrate the holidays? Do they have any traditions that your audience could learn from or emulate?

  1. A look at White House Holiday Traditions

Highlight all the White House holiday traditions like how the President pardons Turkey.

  1. Bloggers share their favorite holiday traditions

Bloggers share their favorite holiday traditions and inspiration with your readers. What are your favorite traditions?

  1. Giveaways for the Holidays

This article could give some insight into the best giveaways for the holidays. Or maybe, you could even do one yourself?

  1. The Perfect Christmas Tree – Do’s and Don’ts

This blog post could share some tips on how to decorate the perfect Christmas tree. What are your favorite do’s and don’ts?

  1. Ideas to Make Your Holidays More Sustainable

It is more important than ever these days to be mindful of our carbon footprint. This article could highlight some ideas for making your holidays more sustainable. This environmental case study has some really interesting data in this regard.

  1. What is a food you only eat at the holidays?

This post could give some ideas for foods that people only eat during the holidays.

  1. What to do with the Christmas Leftovers

This article could share some ideas on what you should do with your leftover Christmas food. Maybe, you could even create a recipe using some of these ideas?


Bloggers are always looking for fresh ideas to help them publish content during the holiday season. The 100+ blog post ideas we’ve provided should give you some inspiration and hopefully, a few good posts that your readers will enjoy! 

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