11 On-Page SEO Checklist for Ecommerce Sites

It is a known fact that search engines are the source of long term traffic. If you indulge yourself in ecommerce business you must prepare well and make sure that your ecommerce site attracts good traffic from search engines. There are many facts involved in driving traffic from search engines. It you take better care and optimize your site well for search engines then you are sure to get more traffic from search engines. Below listed are some of the on­page check list which you have do in your site prior to promoting your site. You can either hire an SEO for doing these or you can outsource this work to a professional SEO team.

On-Page SEO Checklist Tips

1. Keywords

Keyword are one of the ultimate inclusion in on­page seo checklist. Whether it might be a ecommerce site or any other normal site. Keywords play a vital role in bringing traffic to your website. So research well before selecting a keyword.
Make use of many free keyword research tools and analysis the traffic volume of the selected keywords. You can also check your competitors site and analyse the keywords they are using and later you can decide on your keywords.

2. Page Urls

Page Url is also one of the important factor of On­page SEO checklist of an Ecommerce site. You must make sure on below criterias

  • Should not contain any special characters
  • Presence of your main keyword soon after the domain www.example/keyword­xxx­xxx
  • Seperate your keywords with dash as “dash” acts as a URL seperator

3. Page Titles

Page titles are another important on­page seo factor of an ecommerce site. Its a good pratise to include keywords in your page title. Make sure you have below factors in your page titles

  • Its better to keep your page titles under 70 character long
  • Use your Brand name
  • Use your Primary keyword
  • Keep pagetitles to be unique
  • Avoid stuffing with keywords

4. Header Tags

You cannot simply avoid header tags for your Ecommece site. Make sure that you make complete use of this header tags such as H1, H2, H3 etc.

  • H1 tags must be used only once in a page
  • Use your primary keyword or product name as H1.
  • H2 can occur many times.keep it 4 at the max
  • Give the rest of the things as H3 such as sidebars

5. Meta tags

Make sure that you have meta tags in every page of your ecommerce site. You must have unique meta descriptions for each page and these meta descriptions should have your brand name and your keywords.

6. Product descriptions

You need to have product descriptions on every product pages and this should be unique to get better search engine rankings

7. Images

Images also a play a vital role on factors included in on­page seo checklist of an ecommerce site. Make sure that youoptimize your images well for search engines. Make use of ALT tags and title tags for Images.

8. Canonical URLs

Canonical URls is a never avoidable factor in ecommerce On­page SEO checklist. Make sure that you optimize

9. Internal Links

Internal links is the ultimate part of on-page seo checklist. For ecommerce you can include internal links as related links. You can list the related products in each product detail page.

10. Rich snippets

Every ecommerce business should use rich snippets (schema.org) in order to list your products and prices properly. This helps in the properly display of your product and services on SERP.

11. Loading Time

You need on check on to your page loading time and you should start working if you face very high loading time

12. Social Media Integration

Make sure that you make complete use of social media tools. You should have social media buttons in every product pages. You should also ensure that you have clear links to your social media channels

Final Words

Hope you got an idea of doing on page optimization for your Ecommerce site. These tips will make your ecommerce site to beat the competition and get more excellent results as per your expectation.

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