Today I\’m going to share with you the Top 10 Internet Marketing Gurus who have inspired me on my online business journey so far. You may not have heard of some of them and I could expand this list dramatically but my main criteria for selecting them is that they are genuinely as successful as they appear, that they offer some sort of free training and that they business people who genuinely care about their students and customers.
Top 10 Online Marketing Gurus You Should Follow
1. Seth Godin
There’s no introduction needed for an online marketing guru like Seth Godin. He’s not only the renowned blogger and marketer but he is also the author of several most popular marketing books like Linchpin, All marketers are liars, Purple Cow, Tribes etc.
He wrote more than 18 books on marketing and most of them had gone viral in the marketing field and they have been translated into more than 35 languages. He also got featured in all the major publishing sites like Forbes, New York Times, Huffington Post etc.
His blog Seth Godin is one of the most popular marketing blogs read by millions of readers worldwide. He is known for writing short articles that are not more than 300 to 500 words but they often get thousands of retweets and shares across all social media networks within days.
2. Guy Kawasaki
He is the most senior online marketing guru one can follow. He is also a Silicon Valley marketing executive who was originally an Apple employee in 1984 (when it launched).
He’s also the author of The Art of the start, The art of social media and few other most popular marketing books. Kawasaki holds a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA as well as an honorary doctorate from Babson College. He is also the brand ambassador for Mercedes Benz in the USA.
His writings mainly targeted at executives, marketers, and people who are passionate about making money online by building their online influence.
3. Neil Patel
Neil Patel is a full-time blogger, entrepreneur, angel investor and SEO expert. He is also the founder of million dollar online business KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg and Quick Sprout.
He recently launched his personal blog and started sharing all the tips on how can one bring 100,000 visitors every single month. All his writings on focused on marketing, SEO and building your online brand.
Although he is just 30 years old he has already built two online multi-million dollar businesses, he also offers blog consulting from his major blog Quick Sprout which gets millions of visits every year.
4. Brian Clark
Brian Clark went from a solo blogger to the one who has built a multi million dollar online business. I know it’s not at all an easy job to repeat what he did. He is the real copywriter who can write content that sells itself. He originally started copy blogger back in 2006 and built his audience from the scratch.
He had taken blogging to a whole new level by teaching people how to create content that builds loyal readers who are eager to buy stuff. His first online course was “Teaching Sells”, he used his existing Copyblogger readers to teach what he learned over years of marketing and copywriting to build profitable blogs.
It was a huge hit and since then he launched few more online courses and then the famous Studiopress company that builds and develops Genesis framework and its child themes to make your WordPress themes incredible.
5. Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is a full-time blogger, public speaker, blog consultant and founder of several blogs and blog networks including b5media, ProBlogger, and He started blogging when blogging was just a word. He started making thousands of bloggers from the first year when he first launched his blog back in 2002.
Digital Photography School blog is where he applies all the real time blogging tips that he shares at Problogger. Most people think Darren makes most of his income from Problogger but it is not true.
His majority of the income comes from his Digital Photography School which has millions of readers and email subscribers who are eager to buy the high-end DSLR’s and cameras that he recommends.
6. Ramit Sethi
Ramit is an Indian based US settled blogger who runs a financially related site called “I Will Teach You To Be Reach” which has millions of readers worldwide.
He is also the author of the book with the same name of his blog which also became one of the NYT best selling books.
His personal finance teachings have been covered in biggest magazines like Inc, Forbes, Fortune and few others. He makes a lot of money by selling online products that are highly priced.
7. Pat Flynn
Pat Flynn launched his blog Smart Passive Income back in 2008 and he has quickly made it profitable even though his blogging niche “marketing” is extremely crowded. A few years ago, he worked a 9 to 5 job at an architecture firm. He set himself apart from the competition by genuinely sharing all his income reports and how he used to earn.
He still shares his income reports on his blog (which is currently 100,000+ dollars each month) and because of this transparency, his readers love him and buy stuff from him. He mainly makes money by promoting affiliate products that he trusts. He also writes detailed and genuine product reviews so he makes more money by educating his readers about his affiliate products.
He is extremely active on social media sites like Facebook and twitter where he frequently engages with his audience by asking questions, by sharing his personal stories and getting to know their problems and frustrations. Unlike most marketers, he shares all his monetization strategies on how to build and grow an online business.
If you are searching for a true online marketing guru, make sure to check out Pat Flynn’s blog and be sure to subscribe to him so you can learn a lot from him about marketing.
8. Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson is well known six figure online marketing guru with over 20 years of experience in Internet marketing. He makes millions of dollars every single year just by selling others products.
You can imagine for a second how greatly he has built his online empire and positioned himself as one of the super successful affiliate marketers. He is the founder of the most successful marketing blogs Blogging Tips and They are read by millions of people all over the world every year.
If you are looking for ways to increase your affiliate earnings, you should definitely check out his blogs.
9. Jay Baer
Jay Baer is an American marketing consultant, widely known marketing blogger, public speaker and the author of the New York Times bestselling book called “Youtility”.
He mostly talks about conversion marketing on his blog to help his audience to convert their website traffic into sales. If you are into marketing and looking for great ways to convert your site visitors, his blog is a must visit.
He also talks about content marketing strategies you can follow to use your blog’s content to build your online audience from the scratch. So if you are looking for the true online marketing gurus, you should check out Jay Baer.
10. Marcus Sheridan
Marcus Sheridan is the top online marketing guru with lots of prior experience. He has built The Sales Lion from the scratch by using his content marketing strategies and made it as a million dollar online business.
He is one of the top marketing bloggers, keynote speaker, consultant, and HubSpot advisor.
He often says “answer your customer’s questions to increase your sales” and he is so right on that one. If you are focusing on solving your audience questions through your blogs or videos, you can quickly build a platform that creates a lot of loyal readers and sales.