11 Secrets to Writing Viral Blog Posts

You might have definitely heard few of your blogging friends saying that some of their posts have gone viral and they have got lot of shares. Making a blog post go viral may not be as easy as you think. A blog post which goes viral receives lot of shares on the different social networking sites. Many bloggers are determined to make their blog posts go viral, because such blog posts get lot of views. Such viral blog posts ultimately make a blog gain good popularity.
Even if you have still now not been able to make any blog post of yours go viral, then you shouldn’t give up.
It may be the perfect time to try out some new things to write some blog posts which can go viral.
Actually, there is no secret behind viral posts.
It’s just that you need to try out different things again and again.
Having patience is a must, as then only you’ll become an owner of a popular blog.

Some Tips for Making Blog Posts Viral

1. Use the Right Images

A post with images definitely looks more attractive than a post without any image.
Many posts go viral just because they make use of the images which are perfect for the post.
Some posts go viral as they have got many interesting as well as funny images.
Especially list posts and posts giving practical advice should always have good number of images, as readers get attracted to read such posts because of the interesting images.

2. Promote on Different Social Networks

A post goes viral only when it gets lot of shares.
By sharing the same post on many social networks, you may definitely increase the chance of getting more shares.
Make sure that you’re targeting the right people at all social networking sites. The reason for this is that people share content only when it’s of their interest.
You may need to have different strategy for every social networking site, as then only you may be able to become a social media marketing expert.

3. Rank Your Post for Different Keywords

A good ranking post can definitely go viral as it will keep getting lot of visitors from search engine.
If people coming from search engines will find your post impressive, then they will definitely share your content with others.
Ranking the same post for different keywords may not be very easy, but you can definitely do it by using all your knowledge regarding SEO.

4. Request Other Bloggers to Share Your Post

One of the ways to get more shares is by asking your friends and other bloggers to share it on their social networking profiles.
You can do this only when you’ve good number of friends who’re active on social networking sites. Asking a friend to share with whom you’ve not maintained any contact may not be easy. You should always try to be in contact with professional bloggers in your friend list, as then only you can ask them for a share or comment.
When your friends and other influential bloggers will share your post, it is quite possible that some people from their friend list may do the same.

5. People Love Practical Advice

Posts having practical advice are getting lot of shares on social media.
Relationship, personal development, health are some of the topics which interest all type of people.
A post which can make a person improve his life may definitely make him read the post properly, and at the same time share it.

6. Add a Story to Your Post

 Who doesn’t like to read personal life stories?
Add your personal life story or an experience that you might have come across in your blog post.
Some people just hate reading boring blog posts with the same type of content, and that’s why you need to make your post as unique as possible.
A personal story may definitely make a blog post become a very unique one, and people will share it as they find it to be one of the best posts.

7. Write the Best Content

The value of quality content is known to all the bloggers.
You can’t expect your blog post to go viral if you’re not writing the best content.
I’ve seen that most of the posts which go viral have the best quality content.
A writer can get the best result out of his work only when he gives his best.
For writing viral blog posts, you definitely need to use all your knowledge as well as your writing experience.

8. Include Interesting Sentences

Blog posts with interesting sentences tend to get more shares than the posts with the same type of boring content.
If you can use some funny lines or quotes, then definitely you’ll be able to make your post more interesting.
By regularly going through some popular posts, you may definitely learn the art of using interesting sentences in a proper way.

9. Use Quora to Make Your Blog Posts Viral

Popular Q & A social media site Quora has become very popular. Especially bloggers and all the people who love to spend more time online regularly keep going through the interesting questions and answers at Quora.
Bloggers can search for questions which are related to the blog posts published by them.
By answering to a question, one shall also be able to leave a link to his particular blog post.
You can also make use of other Q & A sites. Yahoo! Answers is the otherpopular site of the same type.

10. Use the Power of Email Marketing

It may be the perfect time to use the email list that you’ve made.
By sending a proper email about the new interesting post at your blog, you shall get good number of shares.
People love to read emails especially when it includes interesting information or a link to unique interesting content.
There are many bloggers who’ve got consistent readers because of the power of email marketing.
The bigger the list, the more the number of shares you may be able to get by sending an email.
There are many other things which you might have to do before you could make your blog posts viral.

Make Your Blog Look Best – Use a Responsive Theme

If your blog doesn’t look attractive, then making the blog posts viral can become a difficult task. By purchasing a responsive WordPress theme, you shall be able to make your blog look perfect on every device. Responsive themes for WordPress have always been in demand, as bloggers always are ready to invest their money for having a best theme for their blog. I’m going to regularly feature some good responsive themes on my blog so that bloggers will get to know the options that they have.
Your dream of making blog posts viral will be fulfilled if you’ll implement the above mentioned tips. The right strategies will make your blog posts popular and you’ll feel happy that your hard work made you get success. Do let me know the different things that you’re trying out yourself for making your blog posts viral.

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