10 Small Business Ideas with Low Investment

Are you looking for to get in a venture and want to earn more then this post is for you. There are many ways you can earn while you learn or having a full time job or dreaming to be entrepreneur. I have figured out some business ideas which can be implemented even you work for full time. Top 10 business ideas for any person with no huge investment required.
So here we go

1. Blogging

If you have a computer with basic connection internet connection, this option is best if you have interest to explore new things as per your interest and share it over internet like making recipes if you like cooking and sharing it over your blog and earn money  through it. You just need to sign up for some affiliate programs and recommend products to your readers related to your post.

2. Selling on Marketplaces like Amazon, Ebay or Flipkart

If you have some unique products to sell or you can acquire any product over which you can seek some profit, just sign up with Seller account with any or all marketplaces and start selling. You can also start dropshipping if you find reliable source of products you want to sell.

3. Become a content writer

You can also write some articles for  blogs or magazines if you have writing skills with specialization in any subject of your interest. There are sites which pays you upto $500 or more if your article is approved and published. You can register at contentmart or Fiverr  to get started.

4. Freelancing

This is most popular and viable in any profile. No matter you work for full time job or student, it is always an available option and you can do it on weekends too(Don’t curtail much time of your dear ones…please). You just need to have a computer skill viz. Web developer, Graphics designer, Writer, Virtual Assistant, Typing expert etc. Just pick your skill and start making money …that’s it. You can do it at Freelance  or Freelancer.

5. Online Teaching

If you have a command over any subject, you can take online classes for global students from home. All you need to have is a computer with webcam and high speed internet connection. You can earn upto $25/hour and more just by taking classes online.
Some places to do that are-

    1. WizIQ– Probably one of the most popular online sites for teaching/tutoring. There are different pricing plans available for students who take classes in a private virtual classroom.
    2. Much Enough– A wonderful site for educators to teach any subject online (via webcam) and charge what they want. Also, they create their schedule and have the ability to promote their classes too.
    3. Learningfy– A great place for one on one tutoring via a webcam that starts out with a $5 trial to assess the teacher and student.
    4. Buddy School– A excellent site for tutoring online with the ability to promote your classes and increase your teacher score (rating by students).
    5. Tutor Hub– A community where students can find answer to their questions or find an online tutor who sets their own rates.
    6. Live Mind– A nice place to teach online where a educators sets their own rate and schedule. Live Mind has a user-friendly interface and handles all the incidentals (billing, payment, customr support, etc.).
    7. Sophia– A new site with a very innovative, polished look where educators can share what they know about different teaching strategies (ie, blended instruction, flipped classroom).
    8. Happy Tutors–  A free place where tutors and students can go to find what they’re looking for. Also, tutors can pay a fee for extra exposure on Happy Tutors.
    9. Tutor.com– One of the best and most popular places to go for online tutoring. Students can not only get help with any subject but homework as well. There are useful mobility features as well.
    10. Tutor Vista– A very popular site where students work in a one-on-one secure environment on an interactive whiteboard.
    11. Tutorme– TutorMe’s seems to have the most advanced lesson space and robust communication tools.
    12. Tutorcomp- Offers affordable and best tutors according to pattern in different countries.

6. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is very popular business today. You don’t have to maintain any inventory with you for shipping to customers. All you need to do is make a ecommerce store with Shopify and sign up with some dropshipping websites. As soon as you receive an order, dropshipper or supplier get informed and he will ship the product to customer’s address. Thus you make money by making some commission on the products. Some good websites to dropship are-

  1. National Dropshippers- National Dropshippers is a wholesale product sourcing partner for eBay and Yahoo! Auction sellers, ecommerce websites, flea market vendors, and traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores.
  2. Wholesale2b

7. Photography

This business has infinite potential to explore and make millions for you just with a camera and your skills. You can learn some photography course and start your lucrative career. You can see your pics on Shutterstock or any other channel.

8. Matrimonial planning business

If you have some great organizing skills mixing with event management, this business is boom for you. You have to plan marriages and intern get paid. You can also have your  online presence for it.

9. Web development for small institutions

If you have knowledge of web development and any language like PHP or java or any CMS like WordPress, Joomla, You can start a web development firm of your own. But if you are not familiar with any language or CMS, you can contact some small institutions and tell them benefits of having a website. Once they are agree, you can sort out their requirement and out source the projects to any cheap web development company or Freelancers. This way you will earn commission with no investment at all.
Outshine Solutions is an option to choose.

10. Vocational courses

If you are expert in any skill like dancing, music, guitar etc, you can start giving offline as well as online classes.

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