How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings Easily – Best Tricks

Adsense, the life of many Bloggers is the simplest way to make money online. By saying simplest, I prefer that all things are done on auto pilot once you’re able to drive traffic to your blog. You don’t have to communicate with your readers or any other things.
What if I say you can double or triple your adsense earnings by using this simple which I am going to mention in this post? Will you prefer reading it? I guess yes, who doesn’t wants to read about multiplying their earnings. By using this simple trick you can easily increase adsense CPC without much trouble. If you’re the person who is getting CPC like 0.05$-0.30$ then you’re at the right place, I am damn sure that after reading this post and implementing what I’ll be trying to convey your Adsense CPC will increase.
Now I shouldn’t waste much of your time as this is not a topic which I should enlarge, I am directly coming to the point, below is the trick which you can use to increase adsense earnings by increasing cost per click.

How to Increase Adsense CPC

Increasing Adsense earnings is not a rocket science, it’ll take some time to happen and for that you’ve to wait and be patient to get results. If you’ll wait, then I am sorry for you. There are several techniques you can use to increase your Adsense earnings which are mentioned below:-

  • Target Keywords with High CPC.
  • Target countries like US, Canada etc.
  • Blocking Ad which pays less.

A brief classification of each and everyone is listed below.

Target Keywords having High CPC

If you’ve seen this info-graphic about the top 20 high paying niche for Adsense then you should probably know about the best niche for earning with Adsense. It’s quite easy to hear that “Target keywords having high cpc to earn more from Adsense” but for ranking for those keywords you will require an Authoritative domain that’ll take some time. So we’ll not use this method for now.

Target Countries like US, Canada etc

You can also try to target particular countries like US, Canada or UK in case if you want to get High CPC in adsense. There is a great tool known as Semrush(Affiliate link) which you can use to target particular countries while doing “Keyword research“. If you’re great at SEO and can rank in every country then it’s great but if you’re not then I strongly suggest you to use Semrush tool for keyword research and analysing competitors(For me, it’s a million dollar SEO tool).

Blocking Ads which pays less

Many bloggers says to block ads which pays you less but only some are willing to tell you the exact method to do so. The method which you can use to find the URL’s of the companies which are paying less cost per click to you. Blocking those ads will simply give a Adsense earnings boost.
In short, you have to find out the companies which are advertising on your blog and then find out how much CPC they’re giving to you for the clicks by the user. After that, you’ve to block all those ads who are paying less.  That’s all, what you’ve to do. Well, this everyone says. Below is the exact method to find the advertisers which are paying less and blocking them from being displayed on your Blog.

  • Firstly find the advertisers who are advertising on your blog from a simple tool know as Google Adsense Sandbox.
  • Put your blog URL there and leave the country field empty and press ‘Preview Ads’.
  • You will see Different ads. These are the advertisers who are advertising on your blog.
  • Copy the URL of any of the Ad you got from Adsense Sandbox results and go to
  • Paste the Advertiser’s URL there and click on “Get competitor’s Data”.(I am taking
  • After clicking on “Get competitor’s Data”, you will get results like below. After that click on Ads.
  • After clicking on ‘Ads’, you will get the exact information about the advertiser. There destination URL, keyword, search volume, rank and Cost per click for Adsense publishers.
  • A screenshot about ‘’ is given below, you can take a look if you’re confused.
  • You can see that ‘’ is paying very less i.e 0.05$. Try to block ads which you think are paying less.
  • There are some Advertisers who are willing to pay more that ‘0.50$’ per click. Don’t block such ads
  • This is how you can find out the advertisers which are paying less.

How to Block Advertisers to Increase CPC in Adsense.

Now you got to know ‘How to find advertisers which are advertising on your blog’ and ‘Finding how much Cost per click they are giving to the Adsense publishers’. Now what’s next? You have to Block all those Advertisers by URL. Follow the process given below to do so:-

  • Open your Adsense account and go to Allow and Block Ads section.
  • Just put the ‘URL’ of the advertiser in the box given below in the screenshot.
  • After that click on Block URL’s, you can also make a list of all those low paying advertisers and can block them at once.
  • That’s it, you’re done.

Note that the tool mentioned to find out the Cost per click given by the advertiser has limits. You can take monthly subscription if you want. Otherwise it’ll take you some days to get the list of all those advertisers which are paying less.
That’s it, if you’ve any doubts regarding increasing Adsense CPC or have some formulae in your mind then you can comment below. We’re here to help you out.

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