11 Ways To Increase Your Ecommerce Traffic & Sales

It is not enough to just make an ecommerce site for the sake of making money. Instead you need to compete yourself in the evolving ecommerce market. You cannot ignore many strategies which helps you to increase your traffic meanwhile it you can increase your conversion. Below are the main startegies which helps you to drive more traffic to your ecommerce site and thereby you can increase sales.

Consider these Powerful Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Ecommerce Site

Landing Pages

Optimizing the landing page is the must to increase traffic to your ecommerce site. Once if you optimized your landing page you can start sending paid traffic to your landing page. You can also start sending paid traffic to categories matching visitors interest.

Product descriptions

Product description is a must in any ecommerce website. You must use a good product description which is very user friendly and engaging. Also make sure that your product decriptions should be unique as it prevents you from being filtered by search engines as SPAM.

Site loading time

You must ensure that your site loads very fast without annoying the user. If your site loads very slow then users might skip away your site and move on to other site as your site is not the only one site for them to choose for shopping the products.

Site­wide Search

Besides attracting your customers you must also help them to find products on your page in order to close the sale. This process will be made easy with easy ­to ­find search function. You need to improve your design and utilize every aspect of your design in order to help it to stand ahead of competition.

Event Marketing

Even if you do not have physical stores you might intend sales events and markets in order to sell your products across your region. In addition you can also distribute leaflets in order to make people aware of your site.


Having a blog and doing content marketing is a ideal way to increase your site rankings in google and thereby increasing traffic to your blog. You can write 3 articles for your blog a week in order to maintain the consistency of your rankings in google.

Google Adwords

You can try paid advertising like Google Adwords to drive lot of visitors to your site. It will take some time to create ad which converts well but once if you set ads that converts well then you can get high conversions for your products through Google Adwords

Email Marketing

You need to run a email marketing campaign for your visitors in order to increase the traffic for your ecommerce site.

Social Media

Social Media is an unavoidable factor for ecommerce site. Especially if you need to generate more sales.You need to concentrate on variety of methods to deliver better results with social media. The major social media sites like facebook, twitter, linkedin, Pinterest etc., helps to drive you more traffic for your ecommerce site.

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