Twitter is a very powerful source of advertising these days and many of the biggest brands were moving towards twitter to promote their stuff.
Twitter gives you incredible opportunities for your business with 328 Million daily active users with it. Twitter is not a small platform for networking. It is one of the most popular social networks and has also most visited sites on the web by peoples. Without a doubt with such a huge amount of active user base, many of the marketers were tapping through the Instagram ads to reach out their targeted customers.
Don’t Use Twitter just for following rich peoples and all other kinds of other stuff like commenting, tweeting and re-tweeting or not just for passing the time, make some use of it.
What Is Twitter?
Twitter is a short message communication tool which allows you to send out your messages[ in the form of tweets] up to 140characters long to those peoples which are your followers.
Peoples follow you and connected with you as in the form of your followers and you follow other peoples. This thing allows you to read, reply and share their tweets with your followers in the form of a retweet.
Why Twitter?
You have to move your step towards to use Twitter for your business just because of its uniqueness. Twitter is something unique from all other platforms.
How other platforms different from twitter:
LinkedIn: A tweet is just like in the form of a short LinkedIn status update. LinkedIn is based on trust relationships. Whereas twitter allows you to follow anyone includes strangers. This thing will help you in getting potential customers.
Facebook: A tweet is just like in the form of a short Facebook status update. But with Twitter, every single tweet arrives at very follower\’s feed.
YouTube: A tweet can contain a link to a video. On the other hand, Twitter doesn\’t allow you to create a channel and organize your videos for an easy location and commentary.
Now let’s dive into how you can use Twitter for your business.
How To Set Up Your Twitter Ad Business Account
Follow these steps to create your Twitter Ad Account :
- Go to Twitter app and then go to the sign-up box.
- Enter Your Mobile Number or Email Address and a Password.
- Click on button and sign-up for Twitter.
- To verify your Mobile number, Twitter will send you an SMS text message on your mobile number with a code, Enter that code in the provided box to verify that it’s you.
- Once you have clicked on sign-up for Twitter, you can select a username.
- Click on create my account button and your account is created.
Effective Ways To Take Benefit Of Twitter
Here are 10 effective ways which to Make Pinterest Work for Your Business :
- Create Your Twitter Landing Page
If you think that 160 characters are not enough to write your bio great and good then don\’t frustrate, you can create a special landing page on Twitter and there you can provide your full info about you and your business.
Most of the peoples use their blog link in their profiles to take users to their site but now you can create a special Twitter landing page and you can use that page as your Twitter profile web address. The Twitter landing page is a special page which is on your website designed to introduce peoples uses twitter to your business. It is as same as to help people to get the scope on your twitter business and how you can choose twitter.
Your twitter landing page must include these points :
- The personal message from your side.
- What you tweet about.
- All the details about your business or services which you are promoting.
- Peoples present behind your account.
- How to become a customer.
Keep your Twitter landing page short and straight to the point to make your business good and great impression in front of your visitors or customers.
- Change Your Visual Branding
Twitter gives you an opportunity to customize the color and look of your Twitter profile or business page i.e Twitter allows you to provide an additional information about your business [ like what your business do, what kind of service you are providing etc. ] to peoples who check your profile.
Tip: You can also create your custom graphic and use that for your twitter background.
- Don\’t Follow Peoples Who Don\’t Tweet
You can\’t stop peoples to follow you but don\’t worry about this thing. You should not follow those peoples who don\’t active on twitter or don\’t post any kind of content on Twitter. It is not necessary that peoples who follow you then in return you also have to follow them back. You have to choose peoples wisely to follow back by seeing that whether they are active or not on twitter.
You can easily find those peoples who haven\’t tweeted or not active on Twitter by using a free tool named as unTweeps. This app allows you to create a list of your followers which is based on how long since they tweeted last. You can easily use the free account of unTweeps 3 times in a month.
Note: If you have a large number of peoples connected with your twitter account and who are no longer tweeting any tweet and not active on twitter for a long time then don\’t unfollow them at the same time because this action can signal to Twitter to suspend your twitter account due to the behavior like spammers.
- Publicize Your Twitter Account
To make it easy for peoples to find your business on Twitter by adding your twitter username to all your business details.
Give your username in these types of locations:
- Your email signature [ With Link ].
- Your Business Cards.
- Your Website [ With Link ].
- In paperwork which you give to your customers.
- Your email newsletter [ With Link ].
- Use Twitter Advertisement
This is another great way to use Twitter to grow your business. Twitter ads will work just like ads on all other platforms but work best from all the other ad platforms. Twitter ads work well, for all business and provide you better results and costs you less.
Your ads will automatically deliver on Twitter to the placement that’s most likely to drive campaign results at the lowest possible cost.
- Include Photos to Your Tweets
Peoples which uses twitter love the content which includes pictures. Statistics show that most of the peoples are more likely to read your content or any other stuff online if you have pictures includes in your stuff i.e by including photos or pictures in your tweets then you can easily increase the amount of attention of your audience.
Thes best part in this is that your photos quality don\’t have to be professional to be effective on Twitter. If you want then you can also use your smartphone to click the pictures and then you can use those pictures on Twitter to tweeting your tweets.
- Pinned Your Important Tweets
Twitter gives you an amazing possibility by pinning your tweets i.e if you think that your one tweet is very good and something related to your business or service then you can pin that tweet. By pinning your tweet in your account you will get the benefit and your tweet will appear on the top of your profile.
Whenever someone on twitter searches your profile name then he/she will see your tweet on the top of your account and this tweet will be appearing on top till then you unpin that tweet.
- Use Hashtags[#] While Tweeting
Always use hashtags while tweeting your tweets. This will give you an amazing benefit to reach to more audience. The hashtag will play an important role in the engaging audience for your content.
Do you know the tweets containing 1 or 2 hashtags has 21% higher engagement than those using 3 or more? Ritetag is a tool which helps you to choose the right hashtag.
Whenever you use hashtags in your posts on Twitter the people associated with that particular hashtag also see your post and there are more chances of an engaging audience with your tweet. You can also put trending hashtags in your tweets which you can find on the right side of your Twitter homepage.
- Use Impressive Headlines
Always use impressive headlines in front of your users while posting anything on twitter. We see many tweets while we log in our account but we click on one tweet. Why we click on that particular one tweet? Just because os that tweets headlines that attracts us to click on that.
Think about clever and impressive headlines for your tweets as well as your blog posts.
- Tweet Regularly
Regular tweeting is a sign of your activeness on twitter. If you are only tweeting once in a week or once in a month then you are not keeping up with Joneses[or the Twitter equivalent].
I personally recommend you to post regularly and engage with your audience so that you are on the top of mind on a constant basis. Always tweet those tweets which you think that they will engage the audience with your tweet.
Ending Thoughts
I Hope this article added some value to your business and which help you to grow your business on Twitter. Implement these strategies in your business on Twitter and I am sure that you will get good results day by day.
What is your strategy to promote your business on Twitter, Write down in the comments below!