What Is the Importance of Internal Links in SEO

Nowadays everyone is starting a blog. Each and everyone desires to earn a good reputation from their blog. Some are achieving it while some are not. In order to earn a good reputation from our blog then our blog need to earn good reputation from search engines as well. So that we need to be very cautious about the strategies that we should follow and implement to our blog so that our blog gets good response not only from readers but also from search engines.
If we improve the structure of our blog well then the possibility to rank in search results page will be very high for our blog. Google’s search results page ranking algorithm is becoming harder day by day compared to yahoo and Bing page ranking algorithm. So SEO plays a crucial role in making your site positioned high in search engine’s results page(SERP).  So here comes the role of Internal linking. Yes apart from writing unique and original articles to rank high in search engines you must also concentrate on building internal links as there are many benefits of internal linking in SEO which are not only loved by your readers but also search engines.

What is meant by Internal Linking?

Internal Linking is nothing but linking one webpage to another webpage. If you have a blog you will have both old posts and new posts .When you write new posts then your old posts will go out of focus so you need to interconnect your old post and new post with good anchor text(keyword)  or you can add the links as related posts below to the article or sidebars. This way your old post will never go unnoticed so that you can also increase your blog pageviews. Let us discuss in detail about more benefits of Internal linking in SEO.

Benefits of Internal Linking in SEO

These below discussed Benefits of Internal linking in SEO gives you promising results.  So you should definitely consider interlinking your blog posts as a part of your SEO strategy. 

1) Internal Linking gives you User Friendliness

Internal Linking creates better user experience by allowing your readers to navigate from one webpage to another with the help of better anchor text. All readers love indepth knowledge of anything what they read. So when you give a link for reference to quench the thirst of your readers they will be happy to read it and love your blog for betterment. So they will become loyal readers and visit your blog frequently.

2)Link Juice and Better Pagerank

If you decide to increase your Link popularity then there is no other better method other than Internal Linking. It passes link juice from one post to another so that you are evenly pouring the link juice to your entire blog and as a result google pagerank will be improved and your site will start to perform well in search engines. So internal linking helps you in enjoying high traffic from search engines and high google page rank. So this is one of the top benefits of internal linking in SEO.

3)Increase your Blog Pageviews

We are using anchor text to interconnect one post to another. So whenever a new reader comes to your blog and read your content and if he need to know more in deep or if he need to get the complete knowledge for the query what he is looking for then he/she will never mind in clicking your anchor text (keyword) and read that page. So your blog pageviews gets boosted . This is one of the remarkable benefits of internal linking in SEO.

4)Advantages of Anchor text(keyword)

We all know that anchor text is a keyword we use in the hyperlink. Actually a search engine signal is emitted by these anchor text(keyword) in order to inform search engines about the content they are linking with. Hence your content will be ranked high in search engines.

5)Reduce Bounce Rate

When readers stay in your blog for a long time by referring one page to another and vice versa then obviously your bounce rate will be definitely reduced. This is one of the highlighted benefits of interlinking in SEO.

6)Crawling and Indexing in a better manner

If you interlink one webpage with another then search engines crawlers find it easy to crawl all your links and index them fast . By interlinking one post to another search engine crawlers know that the link gets pointed to another related content within your blog so that it gives a boost to other webpages as well.
Concluding Words:
I hope I explained the benefits of interlinking in SEO to some extent. Just interlink your post too and let me know the results through comments. If you enjoyed this article kindly support the blog by spreading the same in your networks and try adding me in Googleplus circle, like us on facebook and  follow us on twitter.

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