15 Blogs To Read To Become A Better Blogger

If anyone want to become good in any field then he/she should read and learn more about it. Like students study to get good grades, an entrepreneur works hard to get his/her business to the next level. Like wise, if you are a blogger you have to learn new things and implement them to achieve a complete new level in that field and to become a better blogger. “ Also, You can Choose a Digital Marketing Course to get the easy Path.”
So today in front of you, I am presenting some blogs that you should read to gather knowledge about blogging and for becoming a better blogger, and i don’t want any comment like “this list is wrong, he should be above him/her”. I am just listing some blogs which i read and i am getting benefit from, Each of these blog is helping me equally. I hope these blogs will help you also. So here comes the first blog.

1. Quick Sprout by Neil Patel

At Quicksprout, a great blog for who run digital marketing business, if you want to learn how to market your blog posts in good way, advanced SEO techniques, then you should visit this blog. But sorry to say, if you are a complete newbie then you can’t understand his advanced guide to SEO, link building, content marketing etc because at quicksprout, Neil patel mainly writes for advanced bloggers.
You can also analyze your blogs at quick sprout and correct errors on your blog and you can compare your blog with your competitors blog also to get some inspiration to work hard on your blog.

2. ProBlogger by Darren Rowse

Problogger is a complete junction for bloggers, here you will find different things related to blogging like blog tips, seo tips, marketing tips, Pod casting tips, case studies and much more. Whenever I read posts on problogger, I gain some new tips. That’s all i can say about this blog.

3. Smart Passive Income by Pat flynn

Many people visit Smart passive income just to see his income reports, after checking income report they close it. If you are included in those people then wake up and start reading his articles on Blogging, Affiliate marketing and social media. He is really a value adding blogger in the blogosphere. He shares the real working methods that you can use to get success in these mentioned topics, I love reading his affiliate marketing guides.

4. WPBeginner by Syed Balkhi

WPBeginner is a great resources for beginners to understand and learn about WordPress, It is very complicated to use for newbie’s but WordPress is best, so i will prefer you to use WordPress but wait it is very hard to understand it at the starting days, so i will prefer you to read this blog and clear all your doubts easily at one place.

5. ShoutMeLoud by Harsh Agarwal

I am reading Shoutmeloud articles when I started blogging, actually when i got to know about search engine optimization nearly 6 months ago. Harsh Aggarwal is the owner of Shoutmeloud and on shoutmeloud he writes articles mainly on blogging, SEO, WordPress, making money online etc. You should read shoutmeloud on daily basis and learn something new, the articles on social media posted there are awesome, you will definitely find something you have never heard of.

6. Blogging Cage by Kulwant Nagi

Blogging cage is a great blog started by kulwant Nagi after his Success in the field of blogging. Here he shares the best ways of link building, seo, blogging and much more. I can say this is the only blog of whom i read all articles. For me this is the best blog to Learn blogging.

7. TechTage by Rohit Palit

Techtage, A great blog to learn search engine optimization and blogging, i don’t know why techtage owner is hidden over the blogosphere. Rohit Palit is the owner of Techtage and don’t have good social media presence with indian blogger, that’s why less people know his blog in India. Read his blog and implement the strategies.

8. Moz

9. Search Engine Journal

10. Search Engine Land

11. Search Engine Watch

12. Search Engine Roundtable

13. Backlinko

14. KISSmetrics

These Blogs I read frequently and get major benefits, you should also follow these and build your mind for better blogging.
I hope that you liked these blogs, if you have any other blogs which will help newbie’s then do mention in the comment section below.

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