10 Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

Google Adsense is one of best contextual ads network. Every blogger wish monetizes their blog with Google Adsense. If you are a new blogger or your approved Google Adsense account had been disabled and thought about getting full approved Google Adsense account This Article can bridge the gap between you and full approve Google Adsense. Google  Adsense has been more strict and changes policy for a new application for last two month. Many Adsense account had been disabled in Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh since last two month.
Before Apply new application makes sure that your blog will full fill Adsense requirement.Improve your blog quality before use. Google Adsense has not set up an automated process for approval all application is approved by manual.

How to Get Adsense Approval | Applying for Google Adsense

1. Write Quality Content :

“Content is the king of the blog, and it helps to get fully approved Google Adsense account” This statement is perfect and invariant. According to survey 61%, the user’s immediately close the page due to insufficient information. Make sure your blog/website give unique and full detail information. Once you fulfill all requirements of the visitor, that visitor may convert into a permanent reader. That is good for you and your revenue, and it increases user/page views.Now one question came in mind, what is quality content?
Quality is defined as the degree of the perfectness that is the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind or the degree of excellence of something.
Quality content is in-depth knowledge about the topic, and every post must contain more than 500 word and Image that gives unique and relevant information.Every post must be included an infographic because A single Image says more than 100 words.Use Image with right title and alt attribution this helps for SEO. Every sentence should be grammatically correct and easy to understand. When you write an Article think that this article is only for knowledge, this attitude makes popular in short time. Before apply for Adsense make sure your blog has at least ten quality content post.

2. Page Type/ Blog’s Navigation and Layout :

Your blog navigation and layout Should be attractive, and user-friendly get fully approved Google Adsense account.All part(Post and page) of blog/website can do accessed from the homepage. Use responsive template  (Responsive template automatic adjust past with screen size). Check speed, javascript from Google page speed insight Before Apply any template. Fix all problem and Make your web pages fast on all devices.After content, Blog design is the second essential thing that attracts the visitor. It represents your Knowledge, experience, and professionalism. Blog Design should have following features:

  • Simple and professional
  • It should be Search engine friendly
  • Proper menus and icon
  • Easy to navigate on all devices

3. Privacy Policy, About Us and Contact Us page :

If you want to get fully approved Google Adsense account, you must have some important page. This page contains full information about the blog. These also help to look like professional.If you are using cookies, you must mention in privacy page. Contact us page is not complete until you add an Email address or contact number. If you create these page, then Adsense Approval change Increase.Wordpress user can make an attractive page with page builder plugins.

4. Follow Adsense Content guidance :

Publishers must not display the ads on pages that violate Adsense content guidelines. Here I had given some examples of content that violate  Adsense content guidelines are, adult or advocating racial intolerance. For more Information Visit Prohibited content page.
Google Adsense will not Approve your Application if your blog is related to the following content.

  • Pornography, adult  movies or mature content  and Violent content .
  • If you are promoting Hacking/cracking content.
  • The site is affected by Malware or adware.
  • That blog which promoted to Sales of beer or hard alcohol,  tobacco or tobacco-related products, prescription drugs and Sales of weapons or ammunition.

So if you want to get fully approved Google Adsense account, avoid above category.

5. Remove Copyrighted material :

Google Adsense will reject the Application if your blog is having content protected by copyright law. If you wish to show ads on copyright-protected content. Google asks for valid and necessary legal rights to display or direct traffic to that content. Before applying Adsense check for copy media such as image, song, movies, software and remove them. Media file can be easily found, but the text is more difficult to find. But No problem. Many sites will help you find copy content in your blog. Visit at Copyscape Plagiarism Checker or Plagiarism Software and check for copied content and remove them to get fully approved Google Adsense account.

6. Real Name and Email :

You must put your name and email address in some easily visible area of the blog like about and contact pages and wait 2-3 day for the update in Google webmaster. Your name and Email Address will Confirm to Adsense team New Application is from you, not spam, or Apply by crappy bots .it help to get fully approved Google Adsense account.

7. Use Top Level Domain :

Use  Unique domain Name with International Domain Extensions. An attractive Domain name helps to memories the web address and increases visitors, but it is not essential to get approve Adsense account.Google has changed their policies for Blogger.com for Improve its quality. If your blog is host on Google Host partner (Blogger), then more chances, you will get fully approved Google Adsense account quickly. You should make change in Domain Extensions from (Domain.wordpress.com , Domain.wibely.com or domain.wix.com   etc.) to International Domain Extensions (.com , .co .net etc ) .
Google has changed their policies for Blogger.com for Improve its quality. If your blog is host on Google Host partner (Blogger), then more chances, you will get fully approved Google Adsense account quickly. You should make change in Domain Extensions from (Domain.wordpress.com , Domain.wibely.com or domain.wix.com   etc.) to International Domain Extensions (.com , .co .net etc ) .
Google has made changes to their policies for the Asian country.According to the new plan, the domain must be six months old. But it is not essential because a blog which has social site backlink and post are index in google webmaster is approved before six months.In my case, I had got full approved Adsense account on 10-day Old Domain. I belong from India, so Domain age does not matter more.

8. Use unique Email, Detail and payee name:

Google Adsense team more Active to prevent scam. Google allow once Adsense account with Unique payee name and detail at a time.If account details match with any Adsense approved account then, newly applicable will be rejected.Keep in mind that publishers are not permitted to maintain multiple AdSense accounts under the same payee name.If you want to continue various AdSense accounts than switch for either Adsense Bussiness account or change the payee name and address.

9. Remove Other Ad Networks from Blog:

If your blog is monetize with other ads network like Chitika, Infolinks, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to drop them off.Remove the ads code Make sure your blog free from ads.Once you create  ad unit in Google Adsense .Place the Ads code at which page, where maximum traffic land.When Google Adsense Application will have been approve , you can use other ads network like Chitika, Infolinks .

10. Avoid paid Traffic:

Paid Traffic is ageist the Google policy .Your blog page view through  getting paid traffic , than less chance to get full approve Google Adsense. Bring more traffic from search engines or any other way . Promote your blog on Social site like Facebook , Twitter.

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