Adsense – Maximum Allowed Google ad units on a Web Page

Adsense is very popular monetizing network since 2003. it has more advertisers so it has more bidders for your ad placement. This is main reason for Google pay high rate revenue (CPC) than another advertising program. The publisher is also known that AdSense accounts approval is very difficult because Google is strict about Adsense Program Policies and TOS.  I had already discussed, Google had been disabled  Approve account in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. Why had Adsense Account disabled by google? Because Google is strict about their Program Policies and TOS. If publisher violates their Program Policies and TOS, If publisher violates Adsense Program Policies and TOS, then Google penalize you, ie suspends or disables your account. Google Ads program already fix the Maximum Number allow  Google ad units on a Web Page. So now one question arise in your mind.

How Many are Google AdSense Ads Allowed Per Page?

So Now  I am answering your question ie How Many Google  Ads are Allowed Per Page. Google  offers 5 types of ads, and they are categorized in the following formats:

  • AdSense content unit.
  • AdSense link unit.
  • AdSense for search.
  • AMP Auto Text And Display Ads

So select ads unit which gives full user experience.Keep in mind that maximum of placing maximum ads on single page reduce CPC and SEO.
Here I describe maximum ads units allowed single web page.

1. Adsense Content Units :

Content Units include text, text and image, image or rich media ads. Google allows  Maximum of Three (3) AdSense ad for content units (text, image or rich media) on the single web page.

Content units are available in  various ad sizes, which are below
  • 300×250 (Medium Rectangle)  best for all type devices.
  • 336×280 (Large Rectangle) best for all type devices.
  • 728×90 (Leaderboard) best for the desktop.
  • 160×600 (Wide Skyscraper)  best for a desktop.
  • 320×50 (Mobile Banner)  best for mobile.
  • 234×60 (Half Banner) Place in the post.
  • 320×100 (Large Mobile Banner)
  • 468×60 (Banner) place in the post.
  • 970×90 (Large Leaderboard)  best for the desktop.
  • 970×250 (Billboard)  best for the desktop.
  • 120×600 (Skyscraper) place in the sidebar and best for Desktop.
  • 120×240 (Vertical Banner)
  • 300×600 (Large Skyscraper)  best for the desktop.
  • Responsive Design

You can make the change in ads size to fit ad in your blog. But I suggest you use Responsive Ad, 336*280 and 160*600. This unit performs well on all devices.

AdSense link unit :

Link unit is one of best-performing ad units when it is blended with the blog template.  It works great under navigation menu,  related posts, main post. Maximum of Three  Link units are allowed on a single web page. Link units are available in  various and sizes, which are below :

  • 728×15 (Horizontal Large)  best for the desktop.
  • 468×15 (Horizontal Medium)   best for all type devices
  • 200×90 (Vertical X-Large)  place in the post.
  • 180×90 (Vertical Large)  best for the smartphone.
  • 160×90 (Vertical Medium)
  • 120×90 (Vertical Small)

AMP Auto Text And Display Ads:

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is another method to make faster websites, especially for mobile devices.AMP landing pages obviously load significantly faster than standard mobile web pages — typically in less than a second. For specific pages, we’ve seen page speeds improve by 10x and engagement rates improve by 20%. Due to many technical restrictions, displaying ads is not as straightforward as on “normal” websites. On this page, we cover the different ways to use and the limitations of ads on AMP pages.
The most popular and easiest solution to create AMP pages in WordPress is the AMP plugin. It creates an AMP version of posts on a subdomain that ends with /amp/.

AdSense for search:

You can place ads in Search Engine box on your site. Search Box helps your readers to find their desired posts, pages, contents quickly. Google show relevant ads on the search results page. The publisher can add Maximum  2 (Two) AdSense for search units per page.
Many publishers are violating Google Program Policies and TOS. make sure If you are not one of them.Otherwise, Google may permanently close your Adsense account. Then you open a new account in the very difficulties may have to equate.

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