In this business-driven world, setting up your own venture is probably one of the finest feelings one can ever experience and be a part off. Starting up your own venture is challenging, but also gives you the freedom to work in your own way. It offers you not one, not two but an infinite number of chances to experiment your own ideas and bring them into reality. It is a stage where you can formulate your own strategies, work on them, and show the world what you have got to offer.
Well, all these motivational sentences are cool to keep you excited and organized throughout, but surely not enough as far as business is a concern. One must understand that motivation, only when combined with right strategies, will bear sweet fruits and will help every new startup to sail through. This is the only reason why the success of most of the startup today depends on their approach to marketing.
Marketing has changed more in the past two years than in the previous 50 years. Marketing is fair to all and gives everyone an equal chance to prove their worth. While most startup companies might worry about the expenses for marketing, but the fact is that it is no longer about how many resources a company has got to spend on marketing, but it is about having the right marketing strategy that would work best for the company.
Digital marketing is important because it helps to build awareness and keeps the flow of traffic consistent. Thus, here in the article, we will be exploring the best digital marketing tips for startups, digital marketing strategy for startups and the few techniques/tools that startups can make use of with minimal spending to help them with overall development.
1. Content is the King
Content is the king and will always be the king of marketing, but sadly it is the most overlooked investments in launching a startup. You need, like really need good and relatable content to promote your product or service when in the early stages of your business. Content marketing is the cheapest marketing strategy one can make use of as there are a number of freelance writers who can pen down creative and quality content for your website.
Digital marketing content comes in the form of blogs, videos, slides, etc and is a most effective way to connect with leads and convert them into happy customers. If you are consistent with this strategy, this will not only help you with earning bucks but will also create a pool of people for you who will buzz about your product.
So publish great blogs, speak out your stories and also try working with other publishers as well when you get a chance.
2. Social Media Marketing
Get your web presence right before launch! Social media presence can boost your sales rapidly especially when the product you are dealing with has something to do with the youth. According to a Social Media Examiner’s Report, 90% of marketers have confirmed that social media is important to their business and have generated exposure for their companies.
Create a user-friendly website with most relevant keywords, SEO tags, and visual elements. Social media platforms are very easy to handle and give you a chance to interact with leads, and is a great promotion opportunity if done appropriately.
Educate don’t only promote
Overdosing the audience with promotional words and sentences is not the right way to do things. The interested clients would want to know what makes your product different from the rest thus educate them about the best qualities it holds instead of only promoting.
Most people are visual learners they would want to see, feel and have their hands on something before making any further decision. Thus, set up different ways for clients to watch your product or service in action. A video on your website or YouTube is one way to do it.
3. SEO
SEO spelled as Search Engine Optimization is a cost-effective marketing strategy with long-term benefits. If you want your product to be seen, you need to reach the top of the search results in your niche. If you have done enough research on what it takes to get to the top of the search result, then you may have realized that it takes tons of work. Backlinks from good domain authority websites, keyword research, informative blogs, etc are the best to rank your website.
Search engine optimization when done correctly not only increases the traffic on your website but also builds trust as people mostly trust something that ranks high.
4. Take advantage of free Tools Available Online
When you got the right tools in hand, you will end up working smarter and faster than ever before. There are many tools will help you to gather and interpret data thus you can get a better insight into the activities happening on your website.
Some of the best free tools you can take an advantage of our, Google page speed insights, Google webmaster tool, Google keyword planner, Google Trends, these are just to quote a few. There are many more out there. Find the ones that could help you most without necessarily burning your pocket.
5. Online Advertising
Pay-per-click marketing is a simple and most effective method of using search engine advertising to bring visitors to your website. Google AdWords program is a good resource one can use for this task.
When using this program, you start receiving customers rapidly, and your control over how much you want to spend on the same makes the software more flexible and scalable.
6. Engage Your Target Audience
Just bringing the visitor to your website is not where it ends. You need to engage them and keep them excited. You can run unique contest, several giveaways, Q&A sessions, etc to keep your audience excited. Don’t always run after the quantity as the valuable engagement of audience depends on the quality.
You can also invite your customers to contribute to your blog too. These are some small tips and tricks which will leave a huge impact, as engaging with your target audience will help you create better customer relations.
7. Hire Senior Digital Marketing Staff
You will always require manpower to get the desired results, so make sure you get the best people to help you with the job. To achieve results quickly, it is recommended that you go with the senior resources who have at least 7-10 years of experience when handling digital marketing.
This is just because someone with 7-10 years of experience will have a grasp of available opportunities and their knowledge on such will take you and your brand to the top. Senior resources will pose a balance of critical and creative thinking and such qualities are required when dealing with a startup.
8. Email Marketing
The best thing about email marketing is the rate of ROI (Return on Investment) it has to offer. According to different statistics and studies, email marketing has an average ROI from 3,600% to 4,000%. Now, who would not want that kind of ROI?
Most of the users check their emails on daily basis. Thus Email marketing is suitable for small business. Email marketing is Economical, quick, convenient, and can be used to provide essential data. So if you can get your emails delivered to the right place, this will be a good boost.
9. Focus on both short and long term goals
Every startup wants to grow at a fast pace, thus they often focus on short-term goals and usually ignore long-term goals, and this is a major mistake. When setting goals for the marketing plan of the startup, it is necessary to think of the long-term objectives and goals because this makes it easy for a small team to focus on the big wins.
It is understandable that focusing on long terms goals is difficult when you are trying to hard to establish your business first, but for long-term benefits, this needs to be done.
10. Convert Your Visitors
Last but not the least, try your best to maximize the lead conversion rate. This is the most important stage and performing well here can do wonders for you and your business. You can convert your leads into customers only if you know what your visitors go through when they spend their precious time on your website. Thus, you will need tools like Google Analytics to find out what your customer\’s preferences are.
Live Chat, Free trials, asking for feedbacks, extending the free trials for the engaged user, testimonials, product demo videos, etc are some of the things you can do to turn a popular website to a money-spinning website.