Top 7 Health Forums Online for Expert Support

Medical advice forums are becoming more and more a part of the patients start a medical query. With the rise of medical information available online, doctors more available through online portals and telemedicine.

But the patients themselves are also sharing a great deal more information and their personal experiences through medical advice forums.

Here are 6 of the most popular Medical Advice Forums that can assist your patients in finding the needed information and peer support for their conditions.

Doctors Lounge

Doctor’s Lounge is a website focused for health professionals. It provides articles, academic journal papers and medical news. Their focus on the research and academic side of medicine also makes it a great place for patients to find information on their own. Additionally, there’s an ‘Ask a Doctor’ link that takes you to a gateway page where you can enter the medical forums.


One of the easiest sites to post a medical question is definitely eHealth.  Have an issue that you just want to throw out there and quickly get an answer for? Just go to the main page of eHealth and type your question into the ‘Post New Topic’ field.
Remember your question will be posted publicly, so be careful how much personal information and medical detail you provide. Reviewing other questions similar to yours is worth your while, as you may learn a lot from the expert answers.


At first glance, Health24 has the look of other medical websites across the net that promise the ability to ask an expert any question, but then charge you a fee at the last step in the process.

Here, that’s not the case. The site was originally established by Dr. Danie Pauw, and then sold to African media & publishing company Media24. According to the editorial page, all content on the site is medically reviewed.


MedHelp uses technology, data science, and expertise in consumer health behavior to deliver outcomes at mass scale. Join online communities of people just like your looking for support and answer to today’s most pressing health concerns.

Billed as one of the web’s leading independent health platforms. It has been established for over 15 years and now boasts more than 18 million visits a month. has become known as one of the most trusted medical resources online. Their focus is supplying evidence based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. 

WebMD Community

WebMD Community is a health information community – a place where people share information through discussions, helpful tips, and favorite resource links with experts as well as people like them. This community destination provides access to experts via WebMD-moderated Communities and also allows people to create their own Communities on topics that are important to them.

About the author

Rahul Yadav is a versatile digital marketing consultant from Delhi who offers exceptional web and digital services worldwide.

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